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Reply Re Brit Champ Master Class

john collins

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I'm not saying there shouldn't be a clubmans course, I'm saying the section difficulty for classes like the champ,master,expert should be at a level aimed at the center of the pack not the best rider.

I used to put quite a few National events on in this part of the world, but as things have got more complex I just got to the point it isn't worth the effort anymore.

It would be nice if world and club events didn't impact each other but they do!! a good example is the Bradford club running the boxing day trial full FIM rules two years after they actually came into being, what caused this change of heart? is it pressure from the club rider or pressure from the top few?

Looking at next years WR calendar, less events half of em one day events

why!! surely if the sport was moving forward this wouldn't be the case.

In all reality how world championships or nationals go doesn't really effect what I do as a rider, I just seem to be loosing interest more and more on how the top end of the sport is doing, maybe it's just I'm getting old, but I don't see any of the trick riding kids sticking the section markers in.

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...how about slicks?.... ;)

Harder compound tyres was discussed as a way of slowing down/easing section severity, as before some will end up with a cheater sticky and the rest the old stiff mudplugger.

I'm probably way off and trials is thriving, wonder what brought the latest post on news feed on the front page of TC

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yes the bikes have evolved, but why do we have to "stay in the rut" follow 1 line through a section when it would clearly be better for riders and spectators to have more open sections, allowing flowing lines that make the use of brains and not just braun. Any plonker can have a jump at a 10ft rock step, it just takes balls. Where as twists and turns up a stream takes alot of thought and planning, its very tricky to trick ride in a loose stream, more than often it is better to ride straight forward using pivot turns etc.

How would harder compound tires help? surley making sections more suitable to the trial would make more sense. Look at trials like the white rose and the wainwright, there were no sections that were dangerous, you could virtually paddle the bike through them for a 3, but it still takes respectable marks from the winner. In those trials, just look through the top 25 places, they are all regulars riding the british championship circuit, ask any of them which they preffere to ride.

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Ishy's last post reflects my view. I have less interest in the top lads and the British Championship now - as a former journo I should still be dead keen and going to Champ rounds, but I can't get excited any more. Sure it's good to see them do the biz in their own way but I much prefer to remember Saunders at his best on the Honda in mud. As Ishy says, maybe it's because age is taking over. There's no doubt there's as much pleasure in seeing a good local expert have a cracking ride in a good local trial's hard sections as there is in seeing Doug or Grimbo doing well. There is a chance of relating to a local section, whereas in a BC round, never in a hundred years could I ride their stuff.

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ermmmmmmm should i reply!!! ;)

everybody wants to win?

well maybe, but definately everyone wants to win a peice of plastic, metal if your lucky!

thats the problem mainly today, not just trials, sport in general, but trials is our game as such.

more classes for more plastic to win, more classes more winners, even more plastic!

keep the sections to the abillity of the riders present, ok were talking bc here, but look at some of the marks off the winner sometimes.

you put an extra class in, and there will always be a few who eye the new plastic, and go for it.

sections, massive steps, which do nothing to stop the best in real terms(they practice them all day) they just put the rest off, those who buy there bikes and work monday morning.

what you need is proper sections, proper trials and you will get a proper champion, one decent trophy needed, and the rest?, well improve next year if you want the trophy!

bc has watered down from something to be very proud of with lots of riders, to 12 stupid sections round a mole hill. progress.........

dougie by the way would have been many time world champion, whatever the bc he had rode, its either there or it isnt, and money to sportsmen? well wheres all our world champions and gold medal winners from the lottery money?

sometimes you just need it blunt...

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Guest Scottie

Did you come to ours in Kinloch pbkendal? We set a relatively traditional trial out and our prizes were very expensive Caithness glass. I don't know what the answer to the Masterclass is but I do know from one of the riders that the Championship class is too hard for him but the expert too easy. Steve Colley thought the first four sections at our trial were a bit easy for the Championship class, traditional Scottish streams - still took points from them - none were dangerous but still very hard. you can't please everyone all of the time.

I also agree with Woody re: enforcing the rules. Our observers this year were told to be strict. We also told each rider that before they set off and this did reflect in the scores. Our trial wasn't as hard as some of the Brit rounds but good observing helped take genuine marks.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Reply to last post - re Master class

We decided that we needed to cater for what the rider wished ( who said we have no original thinking)?

Seriously though - when riders are asked to register - there will be a sentance explaining that the Master class will only be run if the riders wish to take it up.

If 10 eligible riders register for it - it will run . Less than this number we will revert back to just Championship & Expert classes.

So it is really now up to the riders to decide if they want/need this stepping stone - I still think it is desirable - but it is now a question of demand

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I would ride in it again if you could get 10 riders, excluding those who only do one round or none at all.

There were 7 riders on the list this year but only 3 did the final round! Good for getting on the podium but not very good competition.

In 2003 there was about 15 riders on the masters list, but I don't think there was ever more than half of them riding in one event.

Therefore I think you want about 20 riders on the list to make it a good championship.



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