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Fantic 200 Front Pipe


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How do you de-coke a front exhaust pipe on a 156 Fantic, I think it would help perfornmance if I could do this, after 30 years it must be well gundged up, but I haven't a clue how to go about it, is caustic soda any good?



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Hi there.

(before i leave this H&S dictates i take no responsibility if you singe your eye brows).

I would go with the burn out option. If you get it off the bike, take some petrol, fill it then leave it too soak over night. Pour out the petrol, put too one side. Take a lighter and set light to one end. If you have a compressor gently blow down one end, you should have a flame thrower effect out of the other end, you really must do this out side, take great care. When nice and hot give it a couple of good taps with a hammer, the carbon should fall out. Good luck.

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I prefer the burnind out then cut it open ditch all the steel baffles that are probably loose by now and let ir roar!

Using petrol and air may be a bit extreme, i'd soaked in oil and burn for 10 mins in a steel fire bucket, bit safer may be.

Another method but not as effective is to get an old clutch cable inner and split/ fray the end fold it over push it into the pipe the put the other end into an electric drill and spin away, becareful it doesn't snag and twist, you could use a cordless on torque setting I supose.

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