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2011 beta evo


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Hi all just upgraded from the 2010 evo to 2011 evo 290cc 2011 was few month old when i got it and have noticed (1st time out on it today) that when am riding it feels asif you have a puncture in front tyre?? front end feels stiff when riding also when had it stood in garage was stood few days moved handlebars and was asif it was sized up in head stock? has anyone had any problems similar ???

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bearings will be shot. replace them or at worst free them and grease them up, but chances are the water has got to them. happened on my 2010 and it had done nowt, and on my rev3 - few blasts of powerwasher and the water is into them - it sits ontop of the bottom bearing and penetartes over time. Drop the forks out and i bet when you turn the bars it will be clicky/clunky.

the bottom one is pressed onto the yoke spindle and you will nedd to VERY carefully cut it off or get it pressed off. can be a pain. use the old bearing cups to knock the new bearing cups into the frame, and the bearing onto the shaft. oh and really thoroughly press grease into the new bearing rollers before fitting and they will last longer than the originals. and buy the best bearings you can as the the headseat is harder to change than others on the bike.

i am 100% certain this will sort the problem

good luck

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