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how does ignition timing affect performance?


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Obviously a lot has to do with the bike and system, but overall, a slowing of the base timing will yield less kickback and prone to stalling, a smoother take off and associated reduction in top end performance. Forget trying to measure mm BTDC, it normally takes about 1mm rotation in advance rotation on the stator plate to make a change from stock, and about 2 mm on the retard side to make a difference. Any change here is setby feel of pants to pref, yet as a rule I would limit any advance to a mm or two, and decline to 5-6 mm, as anything out of this range gets too far out and other problems can occur.

Obviously this is a very generalized statement, but the basics apply! :thumbup:

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The best way to see how timing affects the engine is to blag a ride on an old P65er with manual advance/retard control on the handlebars and feel and listen to how the engine changes as you move the lever.

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You asked "Is it safe to move the stator plate from one extreme to another" ?

In a word.... NO!

Over advancing the timing will eventualy lead to detonation, high cylinder temps and worst case melted pitons.

Everything in moderation, ignition timing needs a gently gently approach.

Advance = Sharper throttle response, more power (temp limited), harder starting... beware temp, detonation, jetting changes

Retard = smoother throttle response, duller power, cooler temperatures, reduced fuel consumption...beware jetting changes, going to far


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Advance = Sharper throttle response, more power (temp limited), harder starting... beware temp, detonation, jetting changes

Retard = smoother throttle response, duller power, cooler temperatures, reduced fuel consumption...beware jetting changes, going to far


thanks dom. thats what i was hoping for.

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