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Quad Trial

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I was trolling Todo trial site and saw the pic of a quad in a section, but the link to the actual story didn't work.

All I can say if true!! is we will soon be seeing riders getting killed, if some are going to try scaling rocky climbs and such on those things, please call it somthing other than trials. :o

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Been on a few quads. Mostly my dads mates Honda Big Red 500cc tanks. There horrible...deadly.

It has a kind of powersteering, and turned remarkably easyly.

Anyway, I was riding a lot and turned the bars...The two wheels shot off, nearly tipped it over.

There are a lot of kids on ther 50cc and 80cc quads, only about 9 years old and riding on two wheels, going endos, wheelies and alsorts.

Not so bad with the 80cc quads maybe, but the 250+ quads weigh a ton..you have no chance of getting one of them off your chest when you flip it.

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It would be interesting to see how they scored such a thing. I can't see it bearing any real resemblance to motorcycle trials - if you dab on a quad you will usually run over your foot.

I probably spend more time on a quad than on my trials bike, because I use the quad for a lot of chores around the farm, and I ride it recreationally as well. The key to being safe on one is to know the limitations of the machine and of your abilities as a rider, just like any other machine.

To my mind, the most dangerous aspect of a quad is that they are mis-leading; they are kind of a 'Jeckyl and Hyde' type of machine. At slow speeds on flat ground they are stable and reassuring, requiring no balance or body positioning skills to operate. With greater speed their character changes, requiring great skill to operate safely. So people start to feel confidant very quickly on them, and start to go faster, try more challenging terrain and then discover how unstable they can be.

The funny thing is, there are people who would never put their children on a mini-bike because "it's too dangerous" but will put them on a quad without a second thought, sending them off with no more instruction than "here's the throttle, there's the brake, don't go too far" Unfortunately, these are the people you read about in the paper, calling for the machines to be banned, after their child is hurt.

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:o Come to think of it! Horacio, got me with something like this a year or two ago, do the Spanish have a new year thing similar to our April fools?

if so that's twice the buggers got me

Yes they do. And Todotrial.com seems to have a few of them a year. I remember one reguarding Mr.Lampkin and Motocross.

The sports quads are not as bad...still dangerous, but at least there lighter.

The big quads I think should be kept for farm use...high power, low speed, handy for move big loads, there not built for racing or trials. If they want to do 'trials' on a quad let them...its their life in danger...and the spectators.


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a) surley it would be like sidecar trials ???

:o trails don't have to be on rocks (i've never done trials on rocks), we haven't got any rocks (OK i lie we have some rubble)

c) could be (without looking) the club's quad to mark out sections - my club is getting a quad to mark out enduros and trials

tout est possilbe

rabie :snowman:

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In my neck of the woods we call the beer soused riders on their quads "squids" :o . They have been the sole reason for having several prime riding areas closed for all off-road use. On the few good singletrack areas we have left, quads quickly turn them into whooped out dirt roads. For some reason or another (faulty genetics?), their idea of a good time is to ride in one continuous circle around their truck for hours at a time making lots of noise and kicking up tons of dust. Of course they park their trucks only yards from some housing development. The sad part of course is that it they only took the initiative to look beyond the parking area, they would find miles of prime trails, out of sight and out of mind from the general public. As mentioned in the above posts, those things seem to have a knack for landing on their fallen riders and causing serious injuries. Naturally, whenever some poor soul (no doubt under the influence, not wearing a helmet, going way too fast for their ability) gets killed, off road motorcyclists get lumped in the statistics. Sorry for the rant, but the day that quad riders try to ride trials, I'll go back to fly fishing.

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