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My First Trial In 30 Years!


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Yesterday I entered my first trial since 1982 when I was fifteen (if you can't be bothered to do the maths it means I'm 45)

It was the S(unthorpe MCC';s Betts Cup Trial held at Manton Quarry.

I was a nervous wreck at the start of the trial but managed to hook up with two great blokes who were both on BSA Pre-65's and were riding the white route; I think they both cleaned section 1 which was a fairly steep drop down to a right turn, over a small hillock then up a steep climb with a sharp right turn at the top. My Fantic 200 stalled just as I crested the climb and I had my first 5 on section 1. This was followed by another 5 on section 2 as my too fast approach to the initial climb and tight right hand turn made it impossible to get the turn in.

I cleaned the third section but the nerves were still there and I was gripping tightly, riding too fast and already starting to cramp up. Another clean at the relatively easy section 4 preceded another 5 at section 5 which was a rock step then around a wall of death type turn and out next to the entry point. I went far too fast and made my own exit somewhere else!

I cleaned section 6 which was a grassy climb then a tight right uphill turn over rocks and out. Section 7 looked terrifying; there was a right turn up a pile of loose stones then a drop down to a gap between two huge boulders which were just at the right height to finish off my already shattered knees (injured 4 months ago on my enduro bike). The gap between the boulders was filled with smaller loose boulders which served to knock your front wheel out of line, once through the gap you had a sharp left turn up a two foot step. I frantically dabbed my way through this section taking around two hundred dabs and my "Was that a clean?" question to the observer at least made him laugh.

Section 8 (the last section was quite straight forward with a short climb to a sharp left turn then a right hand turn at the bottom of a steep grassy climb out. I did it all fine then exited at the wrong side of the gate through a lack of concentration.

Lap two saw my 5 count continue to pile up punctuated with a few cleans and the odd single dab.

I was delighted to hear my two fellow twinshock riders say that it was time for a drink and a sarnie so we rode back to the carpark for refreshments. One of the chaps (Mike) asked my if I was happy to take advice - I was very happy! He suggested that I slow my riding right down as I was still treating the sections like I was trying to blast through them on my KTM 530! By this stage I was shattered and was giving some serious thought to calling it a day rather then do the three more laps. If I hadn't been riding with those two gents I definitely would have been marked down as RETIRED. However, spurred on by a coffee and energy drink and a butty I decided to continue and immediately cleaned section 1. I tried to remember to heed Mike's advice and ride slowly; when I remembered I either cleaned or single dabbed the sections, when I forgot or was just too knackered I 5'd them.

On my fourth lap I cleaned all but one section where I dropped 3 points and I dropped only 7 marks on the last lap which included a very tired heavy off as my cramping right hand grabbed too much front brake on a slippy descent and I went down like a (16 stone) sack of spuds. A single dab on section 7 (the boulders) and a clean on the last saw me finish with a huge smile on a very red and sweaty face. At some point during the 5 laps I had cleaned every section at least once.

Things I learned:

A Fantic 200 with only 156cc is plenty powerful enough for a 16 stone bloke

Ride slowly where you can

Use the back brake on descents and avoid locking the front wheel

Concentrate on the route and the correct flags and exits

Other trials riders are a very friendly and helpful bunch

I'm very unfit

I love it!

A big thanks to S(unthorpe MCC, which I joined on the day, and to the observers and other competitors and a huge thanks to my two riding buddies for the day - you two got me through it.

Edited by maggar
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  • 5 weeks later...

Good write up.

I'll be like this soon. Last rode a TY175 16 years ago, and now passed two score years and fifteen.

Just bought a 1981 Montesa Cota 248 in bits.

Restoration to a good reliable condition is the order of the day.

Keep it up.

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