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198B Airbox


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Hello Bondy. I am not real sure about the 198B but the 199B`s have the airfilter hose and the airfilter as one item. The airfilter is joined to the carb to airbox hose. Have a look on Inmotions site and you will see them. Graham.

Edited by bullylover
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hi Graham thanks for the info ive looked at both the 199b and the 198b today they both look the same. i think the amal carb on the 198b is abit bigger than the bing on the 199b so the rubber boot has to be streched on the filter. as for the spacers i havant looked yet. the box as been repaird but i noticed a split in the top probely could be fixed but ive got a new airbox to go on, sopose i could plastic weld it but i looked at the price off the plastic welders cheaper to buy a new one, unless i look for a place that dose platic weldind, cheers bondy.

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to be honest i havant had the bike long its runing spot on just needed a littel tidying up nothing major the last owner did a top job on rebuilding it am verry pleased with it. the airbox is in pritty good shape really its just me being fussy. i put a new tank on it as the 1 that came with the bike had been painted and bubbeld. oh and i put new RH rear brake pedel on it. already for some fun :D

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