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Raising Handlebars Montesa 315


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Hi there

I am 6ft 3" and love riding my Montesa 315 but i just feel the original handlebars are too low for me. If they were raised up a bit it would just make the position far better for me .

Can anyone suggest the best value and most practical long-term solution for this ?

I did a bit of research and i found Renthals do a 6" raised Trials 7/8" handlebar.

How much higher than the original Renthals bar is this and will this fit my original clamps and cables...?

Im just worried that going for raised bars means having to buy new longer brake / clutch / throttle cables etc..

Is the other option using raiser blocks or clamps on the original bars ?

Whats the verdict on doing the raise with blocks ?

Any suggestions or advice on this problem gratefully received


Neil - Edinburgh

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Best advice would be to bend your knees more. Not for comfort, but it would make for a better riding position. Ride almost any vintage bike from 75-85 and you will see how much room you already have! To answer your question just the bars would be the choice. Risers feel very strange.

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Thanks for the replies.

Yes it would seem the 6" renthals are my best bet and go from there.

I'll see how much rise i get out of that. It should be at least 1.5-2" as the standard bars i think are 4" or a little bit more.

I found some picture online of bars + risers and yes it does look a little strange

I'll try your advice of bending the knees more.

I have a really long upperbody , rather than long legs so it makes me tower or 'moster' over the bike i think applying more leverage to my wrists.

I had the same issue with the straight mountain bike bars and had to change them for comfort on my bike


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