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2008 Txt Pro (Sachs Rear Shock) Rebound Adjustment


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Hi everyone,

I have a 2008 280 TXT PRO and I have been setting up the suspension today however, there is no option to set the rear rebound?

The shock has a adjuster at the bottom but this is for compression and damping. I don't know whether the Sachs shocks don't have rebound on them?!

Any help would be appreciated.


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Laser, I believe the "specs" for the Sach's, say they have compression dampening adjusting only.

You had to get the fancier shocks to have more adjustments. I had a guy in Kansas rebuild my sachs on a bike I no longer have, he changed the dampening all around.

Compression dampening I am pretty sure, so you could stop it from bottoming out, but again I am NOT a pro.

Edited by sting32
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I'm certain I've read, somewhere, that the adjustment screw on those Sachs rear shocks controls both the compression & rebound, like what Laser said. Scew it in farther, get more compression & rebound damping. Screwing it out should decrease both.

That said, and since I couldn't recall where I'd read it, I checked my 2010 owners manual, even though the OP has a 2008 model. Sitll, it was kinda funny what it had to say. Under Rear suspension, page 31, there is a photo with a view from underneath the bike. Shows the lower shock mount, bell crank, links, and the other linkage parts. Has capital letter D" with a line pointing from the letter to the adjustment screw on the shock.


"The Hidraulic brake compression can be adjusted by turning the screw (D) located in the lowest area of the shock absorber it should be at the midpoint of his career."

Something definitely got lost in the translation, I'd say. But it sounds like that adjustment screw does only control compression????

So the "midpoint of our career" is determined by an adjustment screw? Geez, i was hoping to retire in a couple of years. It'll take me that much time to find the little screw, probably........ :blush:


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