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Same Old Problem...


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When I first bought my '02 Rev3 (270) it was suffering quite badly with an knocking under hard acceleration which, after a lot of fiddling about, was cured by a larger pilot jet and has run fine for over a year. I've just got back from an evening practise session and the same problem's suddenly back, even worse than before. The odd thing is that I haven't done anything to the bike recently and it was running fine at the weekend. Most of the time it's fine but when using lots of revs it knocks like crazy. It's always been a bit on the smoky side (I know that the pipe needs a proper clean) but now it's clouds of blue smoke all the time as well.

I'm going to do all the usual stuff, pull the carb, clean and check the reeds etc. tomorrow night but I'm baffled as to why the problem should suddenly return like this - any ideas?

Edited by neonsurge
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hmmm My gasser did that the other night but it was one thick cloud of smoke but i was going it down the road ( no one was there, we all do it ) in 5 or 6 gear and when i slowed down at the car loads of smoke came out the back of the exhaust why is this ? Do you know ? if you say youve had similar probs before . would a thought it had done the same if id a revved it hard to go up something.

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Neonsurge, if your spark plug has some time on it, try replacing it. Sometimes an old plug will have deposits on it that will make the bike knock.

Lew, you probably have a build up of oil in your exhaust. Riding on the road allowed the system to get hot enough for the oil to burn. When you climb a hill you use lots of throttle, but usually for only a short period of time, so it doesn't get as hot.

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OK, I've cleaned the carb, blown out all vents and replaced the vent tubes (one was quite badly damaged and might have been partially blocked as a result), reset the float height and feeder valve, checked the fuel line (no problem), checked the reed block (looks OK) and replaced the air filter and plug. I haven't really had chance to properly test it yet (I don't think that the neighbours would appreciate full throttle runs up and down the street at 10pm!) but it sounds a lot cleaner on tickover.

One quick question: Is it possible that an excessively lean fuel mixture (premix) could cause the high revs knocking?

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I took my carb to JLI's for the usual leaking carb mod. When I picked it up, I noticed that the copper/brass pipe that the exhaust side vent fits on to had been gently twisted towards the cylinder to stop it melting on the middle pipe.

After this years SSDT I stripped the bike and noticed that the pipe was still intact with no burn marks at all - not bad after 500+ miles :D

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