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Triumph For Fun


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Pleased to learn you have found a bike. I have a Rev 3 250 my friend an Evo Beta are a good bike, enjoy riding it.

if you are still interested in a Triumph Cub message me I know of one for sale locally.

Ole Techno a sturdy steed!

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Jon V8

Would be interested in the glow plugs !

I am in the middle of fully restoring the B250, its had a complete nut and bolt rebuild including pistons, liners, crank regrind, rebuilt injector pump. Costing me loads but should be nice when finished.


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Jon V8

Would be interested in the glow plugs !

I am in the middle of fully restoring the B250, its had a complete nut and bolt rebuild including pistons, liners, crank regrind, rebuilt injector pump. Costing me loads but should be nice when finished.


I got a set of these; http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/220908319606?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT

Not cheap,but they run at battery voltage and don't need the horrible ballast resistor in the dash that the originals do.12 seconds heat and its away,no white smoke,just equal power on all 4 cyls - total transformation.

I've got a day winching trees with the 990 DB and 3.5 ton Fransguard winch on Saturday - no heater plugs needed,the AD4 47 DB engine is an excellent cold starter...

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Alright Fatty? Great username by the way :-)

I was going to suggest selling me the cub for £50 cos they're rubbish and worthless ;-) But also sounds like it's too much work for me too.

Then I read your post about the techno and think you bought the one I had my eye on that was on ebay! It looked mint. I had 2 very similar in my youth.Get in touch with me if you find you don't get on with it, or don't use it or whatever! Having said that I hope you enjoy it and it treats you well.

Cheers, Mike

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Sorry if I snatched the bike you had your eye on. If its the one from Guildford then yes I have it.

I have not ridden much in the last 13 years and not off road for about 25 years but I have to say I got the Beta Home and spent an hour out in a field just playing and had great fun.

I have lots to learn and found it quite knackering but soon got into the swing of it.

The bike is in great knick considering its 18 years old and just needs a few minor bits and pieces tinkering with.

Anyway should I get bored of it I will let you know

Regards Fatty

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No worries mate, I'd have had a hard time explaining to the wife why I need another trials bike...

They're a great machine, had so much fun on mine back in the day. Have you joined up with a trials club yet? Plenty round your neck of the woods I think. I'm with RRND mainly which isn't too far from you, surrey and sussex - come and check out one of our trials sometime, we have a nice easy yellow route for wobblers!

You should also look up the Old Quarry in Betchworth, you can go and practice there to get the hang of some hills and mud etc.

Cheers, Mike

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I brought the bike as my 40th present. Told my wife I would sort my own present and brought the Techno and all the kit I needed to do a trials.

I live in the new forest and have joined the waterside club, they have three sites all within a couple of miles from home. The only thing I need now is somewhere to practice locally.

I do have use of a small field where I can practice wheelies ans slow riding but not much else.

Where is RRND based ?

Cheers fatty

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