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Evo 4t Front Brake


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Take a look at the following threads in the forums on Trialscentral:

Sherco forum: "Trouble bleeding AJP brakes" started on January 25, 2017

Beta forum: "Rev 3 front brake" started on June 3, 2016 and "Bleeding front brake" started on November 15, 2005.

Bleeding AJP brakes can be something of a black art but there are good tips in these threads. May be something on Youtube as well.

Let us know if you're still stuck as there was another very thorough thread on this in the Beta forum which I think I could locate.


Edited by cleanorbust
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 The fast way will probably cost you a set of pads. Remove the caliper and fill with brake fluid through the banjo bolt hole. Reinstall and connect the hose. Fill the m/c and crack the bolt at the caliper slightly. Tighten the caliper bolt once fluid is coming out the hose. At this point you might get lucky and the m/c will slowly pump up with air bubbles rising to the top. If not the best way to bleed the system is with a three foot clear hose that reaches above the m/c. Patiently pump the system slowly till the fluid is above the m/c. If you still have bubbles, empty the line and do again.  You can also take the whole brake assembly off the bike and hang it by the caliper. You need to put something firmly between the pads. The idea is the air will go up easier this way. Still use a clear hose above the caliper to bleed, slowly pumping the lever.

 If the fluid does not move, the m/c is bad and/or the lever is adjusted wrong. Better to take the lever off and pump with a Phillips screw driver.   

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