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Learn to drive on the right side of the road.

Yes, barging Bernie had hootspa! Remember him sneaking into the Scottish Six days UNDERAGE AND NOT ENTERED, riding a set of sections with Charlie Coutard's bike and cloths? Bernie was not entered and Coutard had retired!

Bernie got a huge write up in the UK press and claimed he would have WON THE DAY! Now that's " HOOTSPA "

You're getting there. It really takes chutzpa (vt. coll, Yiddish: cheek, balls)

Bernie did it right. So did Shane Watts in enduros.

I'm always disappointed when guys like Geoff or Ryan (or Ricky...) didn't or don't pitch up in Europe to prove they're real WORLD CHAMPIONS.

Oh yeah Lane, you may drive on the right side of the road but we drive on the CORRECT side of the road.

Merry Christmas to my friends in the US.

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This thread has been inevitably pushed off topic by mich lin once again. Pushing more of the americans need to go to europe stuff. Please keep it to the other thread and don't ruin this one.

I still don't think trials is like any other sport. We still got the family esk atmosphere and we don't have guys slinging insults back and forth. Though our older riders may cuss a bit at nationals, that's okay, they earned the right to say what they want lol.

steering wheel on right side of car

Dunno about that. Its like 125 countries on the right... 3 on the left, I tend to like the side the 125 countries are on lol. :D

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Everyone needs to have a go on the left with a right hand drive car!

Be it far from me, was I the chap that brought up Americans in Europe on this tred? Or the fact that Yanks wear pads when they play football, or was it my cousins on the other side of the pond?

Gee, social trials seems just like social golf, its a gentlemen's sport! Take it to the masters or the TDN's top level competition and things get tense really fast. So indeed trials can have some edge as any sport can as the stakes go up.

It does attract a very high class caliber of people! That is if you exclude Ringo and myself from the equation.

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Why are the dominant riders from Europe coming to the US to race then?

The same reason dominant trials riders from U.S should be going to the Europe. To be the BEST in the world.

Stuart, does your offer stand? How's mid February for Smage? The A-B Schoolboy championships, I think Feb 19?

Who want's to support Patrick. All serious inquires email me for details.

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Too fast Tim, Why would Carmichael go to Europe when the U.S. is the dominant venue for motocross?  Ever heard of the Motocross De Nations?  Why are the dominant riders from Europe coming to the US to race then?

I think this is Tim's point. The Europeans go to where even the best competition is in all sports to learn and then try and beat the best but the US guys and girls don't seem to do the same. MX is MX but the best trials and trials riders are in europe in general.

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I'll donate 100 bucks for team Smage to go, Provided they really do take the pilgramage to trials mecca, the UK A-B Youth championships!

Remember citytrials when you get there, your tourists! If you tell UK immigration your a trials rider they will stop you at the border, turn you around and send you packing! They only allow people from third world countries in to stay. I think that's because they know none of them will ever take up trials.

Now, just so someone dosn't accuse me of hi-jacking this tred by talking about yanks in Europe! Did I tell you how horrible citytrials is? He's trying to beat Geoff Aaron, a legend!

Keeping the gossip flowing ,did I tell you that the Irish-Canadian lady trials rider Geoff is going to marry, is also trouble? :D! Most women try to stop a man from riding! This one supports his riding habit!

Is that right?

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I would like to share that I share almost NONE of citytrials beliefs or style of dealing w/ people. I am not personally interested in bashing any current top riders in any way . Trials to me has always been about the personal challenge and ever increasing fullfillment when progress is made ,and of course the enjoyment of a semi-safe ,semi- low impact , somewhat low cost,family sport. The best riders are not built from funding but from an internal love and desire to excel. Noel Smage Hi Frank S. good to (see)you

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northernorm, I agree with your outlook that most people are after family friendly sport. More power to Ya.

Pity Poor citytrial and the Smages, they are in for it for sure! They are looking to step into the tough world of international trials. They are looking to swim with the sharks for sure! Better him than you, eh!

Geoff and company has opted out of the international meat grinder of world championship trials long, long ago and decided to be a big fish in a small pond. Can't say that I blame him!

The easy, happy go luckey atmosphere he competes in is almost a gift. It for sure was not the world of Bernie, Marland and Lane competed in, where it was a dog eat dog world. Just like Supercross, or any other sport the big 4 Japanese compete at.

So citytrials is really one of the best equipted Americans I've run into for the job. Nobody else I've seen into the American or Canadian trials scene today seems to have the intestinal fortitude needed to swim with the European and Japanese sharks.

All that's left is to see if they eat or get eaten!

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From Mich Lin:

The easy, happy go luckey atmosphere he competes in is almost a gift. It for sure was not the world of Bernie, Marland and Lane competed in, where it was a dog eat dog world. Just like Supercross, or any other sport the big 4 Japanese compete at.

OK this thread is starting look like a Seinfeld episode.

Is Lane referring to himself in the 3rd person now?

Mich Lin is Lane, right?

This is such a soap box, oops I mean soap opera. :D

Keep it coming, good entertainment. :santawink:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not so fast citytrials! This sport can be many things to many people!

I agree with both veiws of the sport, one of personal progress and one of "slash and burn" beat any and all comers that might show up to take a title. Both paths are good for the sport and have equal merit.

The age classes at the nationals are the personal progress path! Why try to win an age title except for personal satifaction? To be the very best in the nation or world is the other path, sadly only one person can hold that title each year.

That's the reason the NATC opened up the US championship to the 17 plus differnt classes and champions, to appeal to the personal progress riders! Each winning their own personal championship.

Edited by Mich Lin
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