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Who Should Ride?


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Following on from the topic in T&MX this week about some discruntled rider not getting a ride yet again in this years SSDT.

I am very passionate about the SSDT, and most people know how many years I have ridden this event, so I feel justified to offer my comments and support to one of the best trials in the world.

Firstly the club have a very dificult job in who gets an entry, this selection process takes years of being part of the committee and has not been made easier this year with the sad passing away of Willie Dalling, so people should not forget that.

Mark has taken over the reins and will continue to do a good job and the selection process has been made for this year and the numbers have been issued.

There is going to be a lot of dissapointed riders out there, but we would need to fit lights on our bikes to accept 450+ riders.

So to pick up on a few comments made:

''It's the same old names year after year'' If this was the case there would be no first timers

''Drop the bottom 30 riders from next years entry'' Bit harsh, the SSDT is a one of the best tests for man and machine, you could have a problem one day and get pushed down the results into that bottom 30. That could be a decent centre rider or even someone who could win the trial, who on those rules would be banished the following year.

''Same lucky chaps rotovating their way round/Trail riding'' Mmmmmm trail riding...I wish :chairfall: Those chaps have got as much right to be there as any other rider, regardless of ability, they hold a licence and enter the trial like anyone else.

All I will say on this point is that I know the club have given instructions to the observers, that anyone that asks for a 5 it is noted, and looked at at the end of the week :chairfall::chairfall:

There may be a solution and I am sure Mark and his team would like to hear constructive critisism, I actually think they are doing the job right, not just because I get a ride every year and I don't class myself as a rotovator, but if it is the same people that have supported the event for several years then look after them.

They will retire eventually :chairfall:

So''Mr I would be obliged if you would withold my name and address''brave man of so many words, come out and let us know who you are, or would that be detremental to your entry next year :P;)

Comments please

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Hey Gizza, How many have you ridden( from your posts, would my assuption that you are a certain Mr Griffiths be correct?)

I think what you have said is correct, there is no easy way of doing it the ballot always seems the most straightforward to me. I am heavily involved in the running and organisation of Ice Hockey in Scotland and no matter what happens something a simple as a cup draw, taken in a simple ballot the same a football, always causes a hassle as well.

I think the club do an incredible job, Willie over the years, Mark, big Rab Paterson, HL and the many others over the years. Their commitment and dedication to creating the greatest trial in the world is there for us all to see every May. Yeah people are unhappy and pi$$ed off about not getting an entry but hey that's life.

The club, I assume, publish a set of guidelines as to how entry allocation will work with the forms, if so then no-one has the scope to argue or criticise, you put in an entry you accept the rules, if you don't get through the ballot, well thats just your tough luck.

The critical anonymouses are the one who whinge every week that a trial is too hard, the sections too easy, the car park too muddy but never lift a damn finger to help out, sod em in my opinion.

Good luck in May, Gizza, if you are who I think you are, I'll even say hello

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Hey Gizza, How many have you ridden( from your posts, would my assuption that you are a certain Mr Griffiths be correct?)

No not done it that many times :chairfall::chairfall:

The critical anonymouses are the one who whinge every week that a trial is too hard, the sections too easy, the car park too muddy but never lift a damn finger to help out, sod em in my opinion.

Probably :chairfall::chairfall:

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