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TXT280 09 gearbox problem


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34 minutes ago, Tr1AL said:

That's fabulous! Thank you!

Only recently did I figure out that 4th gear is really 1.878:1, rather than the 2.112:1 that has been perpetuated in the documentation from the introduction of the Pro model until at least 2023.

That actually makes 4th gear useful, as I suppose anyone who owned the bike understood.

All these years I have been disrespecting Xiu because no technical person ever proofread the manual.

I have an unsubstantiated feeling that the design is being used in EM's FACTOR-e now that GG's patent has expired.


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19 hours ago, konrad said:

That's fabulous! Thank you!

Only recently did I figure out that 4th gear is really 1.878:1, rather than the 2.112:1 that has been perpetuated in the documentation from the introduction of the Pro model until at least 2023.

That actually makes 4th gear useful, as I suppose anyone who owned the bike understood.

All these years I have been disrespecting Xiu because no technical person ever proofread the manual.

I have an unsubstantiated feeling that the design is being used in EM's FACTOR-e now that GG's patent has expired.


Its great when people go to all that effort and also explain succinctly. It sounds like you have no direct experience of the PRO version, to my mind they are a nice bike to ride but the gear box is a bit clunky after 3rd  although with standard gearing through the sprockets being tall/high then if you ride UK closed circuit club trials 1, 2 and 3 cover most situations so it has not been much of a concern in my experience. The old contact models motor in the 1990's had a better feel to ride IMO even if  they are quite a lot heavier although  it did not stop people doing the trick riding the same as is done with the PRO version. No doubt you are probably right about the FACTOR-e box it would make sense not only as a weight saving design but to make a more compact casing also. Any way glad you found it as interesting as I did , all thanks to gravityisnotmyfriend YouTube. Best wishes  Alan.

Edited by Tr1AL
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19 hours ago, Tr1AL said:

Wspaniale jest, gdy ludzie podejmują cały ten wysiłek, a także wyjaśniają zwięźle. Wygląda na to, że nie masz bezpośredniego doświadczenia z wersją PRO, moim zdaniem jest to fajny rower do jazdy, ale skrzynia biegów jest nieco niezręczna po 3, chociaż przy standardowym przekładni przez koła łańcuchowe są wysokie / wysokie, to jeśli jeździsz w Wielkiej Brytanii zamknięty klub klubowy próby 1, 2 i 3 obejmują większość sytuacji, więc z mojego doświadczenia nie stanowiło to większego problemu. Silnik starych modeli kontaktowych w latach 90. miał lepsze wyczucie jazdy na IMO, nawet jeśli są one znacznie cięższe, chociaż nie powstrzymało to ludzi od robienia sztuczek na tym samym, co w wersji PRO. Bez wątpienia masz rację co do pudełka FACTOR-e, miałoby to sens nie tylko jako konstrukcja oszczędzająca wagę, ale także w celu uzyskania bardziej kompaktowej obudowy. W każdym razie cieszę się, że uznałeś to za tak interesujące jak ja,wszystko dzięki gravityisnotmyfriend YouTube. Najlepsze życzenia Alan.

it's true what you write, unfortunately older TX versions are hard to find parts. And after the accident, unfortunately, I can't get on an enduro bike anymore, but I loved this type of motorcycle very much, and I'm very happy that I can ride any motorcycle.

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40 minutes ago, sectionone said:

My 2007 Pro wouldn't shift from 3rd up and the shift shaft had a small crack where the arrow points to that caused the roller to not have enough pressure. I could have just welded it and saved some money since splitting the cases is not that hard.


thanks for the advice, I'll definitely check it out

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