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Strangest Place You Have Rode!


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Trials bikes have been sighted in the strangest of places, Mount Kilimanjaro springs to mind which brings me to the wonder the "Strangest place you have rode!!"

Personally my claim to fame was riding a TY along the casing (deck) of a nuclear submarine whilst serving in the Royal Navy, I would like to do it again on a Beta Rev3 but I know the Stator wouldn't survive the radiation...... :beer:

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Are we talking about with a bike ? :beer:

If so, how about the strangest object?

That would have to be the inside of a house that was being built. Up and down the stairs, on top of the kitchen cabinets, up and over the toilet pan, in and out of the bath tub, to end by rding over a drunk Mexican worker that was sleeping under a tarp (un-known to me and) scaring the crap out of him :)

If not a bike! How about a Hillman Imp in the back seat, (I think her name was Susie) :beer:

BillyT :thumbup:

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Steveo, no idea but it took me about 10 strokes. Before I dabbed :)

If memory serves me correctly she was very hard to get started, coughed and spluttered a lot, did not not need lubrication, did not like me throwing a leg over her when she was cold, got jelouse when I rode other lighter models, got all hissy for no aparent reason, come to think of it she was a four stroke :beer:

BillyT :beer:

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Rode across an old RR trestle bridge over the Red River (Clarksville, TN)

Scared the living crud out of me. I was riding down the middle of the trestle and looked up (expecting to see a train coming) to see Jonny Anderson riding a wheelie down the track. Not sure which scared me worse.

I always wonder what the people that saw that from the road thought about it.

It had to be a heck of a site.

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Every year the Stratford-Upon-Avon Club hold the Ralph Varden Centre Trial at Shennington.

There are always at least three sections in the sewage filter beds.... Gulp! :beer:

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Many years ago (late 70's ) I rode from windy point in palm springs ca.

to the top of the arial tramway in Idlewild ,on a 175 stroker TL125 , under the operating tramcars only to get acosted at the top by the law !! but I did fill up with petrol at my freinds house and ride back to palm springs the same way...

Fun ride though I shouldn't have done it by myself!!!



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Wow what a lawabiding lot, you guys are, I was at least expecting someone riding along the great wall of china, or dropping a point on the pyramids at geza!!!!! come on someone must of rode somewhere at least a little bit risky.

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