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Next Questions Alan!

mich lin

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I didn't write that Alan! I didn't tell them that. I thought you where quoting the news and not something I wrote or told you. Does that answer your question Alan?

This is the same national medea that in the 70s put a put an incendary bomb under a Chevy pickup to make it explode for a news story about possible gas tank explosions on the brand. They were proved wrong in court! And the same national news that faked the story about President Bush 42 avoiding national guard service. Simply you cannot believe everything you see on TV or in the papers.

Your a good guy Alan but for some reason you hold me to a standard the is not fair or one that you could even live up too. You claim that I fail to answer questions but then do the same thing yourself. You said I claimed to be world champ, I never did, it was someone else making that claim not me. Yet you blamed me for their mistake.

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Although I do understand why you would have some doubts about statements made, I have to say that in my experience, the general media, not the motorcycle media, does not perceive mistakes like this as pertinent to there story. I would have to give Lane the benefit of the doubt here if it were me. I have been fortunate enough in my younger years to get quite a bit of coverage in my local media with lots of TV interviews. When watching them years later now, some of the content is very questionable as far as the accuraccy goes!

I once did a bike show in Manitoba in the 80's with an old friend of mine Stan Bakgaard. When we arrived to do the show, we were informed that the local media had been given a press release informing them that myself and Stan were bitter enemies. I was touted as the Canadian Outdoor Champion, and Stan the Canadian Indoor champion, and that this competition was going to declare an outright champion(even though it was indoor). It also went on to say that we hated each other and it was very WWF like. We were both briefed of this while being driven to the convention center from the airport. We both refused to partake in the shananagins. It is just an example of how the things can be twisted to sell a story! Sorry but, I would have to side with Lane on this one. If it had quoted Lane, then that would be a different story!


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I didn't write that Alan! I didn't tell them that. I thought you where quoting the news and not something I wrote or told you. Does that answer your question Alan?

This is the same national medea that in the 70s put a put an incendary bomb under a Chevy pickup to make it explode for a news story about possible gas tank explosions on the brand. They were proved wrong in court!

Edited by Alan Bechard
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T Y P I N G slow Alan, I'm a slow reader also, so I can relate.

I still get the impression that you don't believe me! Which makes me sad, even a little hurt!

I think if you were in my position you would feel the same way. If someone accused you of making false claims you would also feel hurt, if you didn't! Being accused of something that's really wrong that you didn't do cuts deep into the the human spirt.

That's why I was so angry with you, forgive me! Even though you still don't seem to believe me that I never claimed to be world champ, I forgive you Alan.

Who cares what the national news thinks or says anyway?

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Speaking of that same news thing. I saw Debbie and Daniel on 2 wheeled tuesday.

It looked like the same footage. It was about a law in Riverside Ca.

Lane do you live there? If not, that gives one an inkling of the news bias and

how stupid they seem to think the public really is.

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Hmmmm, that was recycled footage if it was just on the tube! 2 wheeled tuesday came and did a story on Debbie a while ago.

To answer your other question, we live in LA county, more in the city. The reason a lot of people moved out there is to ride on their own land like the McGrath family.

The Oldars also moved from LA county near the LAX airport to Riverside county so they could practice at home. They own the land right next to reed valley, where El Trial and the SoCal nationals were run. It's really in the sticks but a great place for trials!

WARNING, WARNING, WARNING! I know that most don't appriciate my stories, so read no farther if your bored or offended by them. So be warned and don't give me any flak after the warning! That means you Ringo! Clive! or anybody else who thinks I'm a disgrace to trials.

I had a night film job between the two days of the SoCal nationals. My call time after the first day's national was back at Disney ranch North of LA at 6pm that night. If was for a Hallmark Hall of fame TV show called "Silver Bells" a Chicago christmas movie, so we came from the HEAT of the national to fake snow and freezing night tempatures for the filming. Hey, it made me think of citytrials.

I knew it was about a 3 and one half hour drive back to town form the national trial site after I finished the first day's event, without traffic factoring in the Friday night traffic of LA. Which is horrendous!

I managed to make it to work on time after riding the natioal. Then worked a 10 hour shift and made the 3 and one half hour drive back to the national before my Sat. start time. I even managed a little bit of sleep before the 2nd day of the national competition.

I knew that the first day of the nationals, I only had enough time to ride the loop and punch 5s in order to finish in time to get to work. Then My plan was to look at the sections and attempt which ever one's I thought I might have a chance at getting through.

As it turned out, I simply ran out of energy after the 7 Plus hour commute and the 10 hour work shift. So I only attempted the last section of the last day but not with a clear head or with maximum energy.

My point of view of the SoCal nationals were this, I finished in the points both days. Had a blast AND successfully made a 7 plus hour commute between LA and the Oldar's place where the nationals were held. Plus worked a 10 hour shift the night between the trials.

To me that is a GIGANTIC EFFORT almost a superhuman effort. Yes I would have liked to have had the energy to ride, commute, work, commute and ride in that time frame and put more effort into the sections. But I didn't!

In retrospcet, I believe that I might be the only rider in US history to contest a US national, then work a full 10 hour shift, them come back and ride again the next day.

To those who claim that I didn't make an effort at the nationals, I disagree with them! I beleive that I made a superhuman effort at the national championship and I'm very proud of what I managed to accomplish. If you disagree and think I'm a disgrace to the sport. We simply have a fundamental DNA differnce in our outlook on life.

I'm proud of my national championship effort last year! Just as proud of it as my three national titles. Being the oldest rider ever in the Pro class is somethng of an accomplishment also.

There it's off my chest!

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In retrospcet, I believe that I might be the only rider in US history to attend a US national, then work a full 10 hour shift, them come back and turn up again the next day.

That truly awesome story reminded me of one of my most heroic missions on a trials bike. It will probably go down in history as an epic saga of sheer pain, personal suffering, great financial loss and self discipline. I would love to tell you all about it Lane but I don't want anyone else to think I'm up my own a*** - maybe I'll save it for Hollywood...

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I only had enough time to ride the loop and punch 5s..... 

So I only attempted the last section of the last day....

I'm proud of my national championship effort last year! Just as proud of it as my three national titles.

Lane, thanks for finally telling the truth.

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Thanks Ringo, for not making a snide remark. Just trying to be guided by the principles of honesty and excellence and how they apply in my personal life.

My intention was to look at every section and attempt what I could. Everything was over my head in SoCal but I expected that on the big gripy rocks of Reed Valley.

I'm sure you remember your go at the El Trial exhibitions sections there "Simply spectacular" Back east the going would get easier in the mudd to squeek a three but there was never that oppertunity. My entries were approved,then blocked at the last minute by the NATC for the last national rounds.

My personal goals for the nationals were simple, to score championship points, have fun and learn by observing the current crop of pro riders. That would give me a better grasp of what we need to do to put our young riders back in world competition. Then come back in 06 and ride the 55 year old national championship totally prepared and in national mode.

When the oppertunity for a TV job came up on the same day as the SoCal National there was a choice that had to be made. Either, not ride and work, two turn down the show which we can't really afford, three, try to do both. Which I did but it took it's toll on me, I was so tired that I really couldn't give the national my best effort. Still I consider the weekend a huge personal success!

I learned a lot, had a blast, scored national championship points, got two kids out to the events that otherwise would not have gone, worked a 10 hour shift making a ton of money, checked a section at El Trial and believe they need the help and had a passion burning in my heart to go home and ride and train really hard for the next nationals.

Isn't that what trials is all about? Having fun and getting some personal satisfaction out of the sport? This is not rocket science or searching for the cure for cancer!

My riding the US championship was a personal objective. Something like a clubman wanting to compete at the Scottish Six Days trial on the same sections as the best riders in the world. It's fun first, then personal satisfaction!

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