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2007 Beta


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Hi im wondering if any one has heard any details of the the 2007 spec beta

ive heard its going to be 2 stroke fuel injection and not modelled on the rev 3

any ideas out there

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did you mean 2 stroke fuel injection or 4 stroke fuel injection? Seems odd that they would make a major revision to the 2T motor at this point, if ultimately they need to go to a 4T design. It would be more cost-effective for beta to ride out another year or two on the existing rev-3 technology, until they have to change to a new motor & frame, etc. Personally, I'm very curious to see what Beta has in store for us with their 4T bike... I hope it is as fast-revving as the yamaha powered SY250F Taddy rode at the TTC in the USA... that bike sounded almost two-stroke like. Guess we'll have to wait a bit longer to find out.

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Seems odd that they would make a major revision to the 2T motor at this point, if ultimately they need to go to a 4T design

No one knows how much mistrust exists in the market regarding the oddly-angled Mikuni carb and it's perceived dribbling problems. Going with FI on an otherwise rock-solid trials package makes sense and kills two birds with one stone, lose the 70's technology Mikuni AND probably comply with upcoming pollution standards using fuel injection. Like Stu said, they may not NEED to go through a complete re-build when the answer is a cleaner tailpipe through more precise fuel management.

If it's true, sounds like a genius decision on Beta's part to me.

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To top it all off, there is NO WAY a four-stroke motor from ANY manufacturer will fit into the existing Verlicchi frame / tank combo... the valve train puts it way up into the fuel tank. A four-stroke forces a complete frame re-design and that frame / tank is one of the strengths BETA possesses: superior rigidity.

The REV package is too much of a good thing to shelve it all and start over... just scrap the POS Mikuni and source FI technology from Keihin like HRC did for the 4RT. Like Clouseau says, '...problem sol-ved...'

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mmmm...nice to read all these sensible comments rather than people just airing their preferences over 2 or 4 stroke.

Personally I agree...would be great to leave the Rev as it is...BUT..with a fancy bit of fuel injection....COOL!!!

Well...I'm certainly not smart enough to make guesses, so I guess I'll just wait and see..probably wont be long eh! <_<

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