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Brake bleeding problem


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Hi im  trying without success to back bleed the front brake on my montesa 315 .Ive pushed the pistons  right back and the bleed nipple is a 1/4 turn open yet no matter how hard I squeeze the syringe nothings happening . Any advice will be much appreciated .  

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As stated above back out the adjuster all the way before bleeding or you could try removing the lever completely.  If it doesn't work with the lever removed you likely have a problem with the master cylinder.  

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Hi thanks for the advice . Turns out it was the master cylinder . The piston c clip had come off which allowed  the piston to push into the chamber  and wouldn't come back out . I had to remove it with a blast of compressed air from the opposite end . came out like a bullet . luckily I put it over a bucket with news paper in .   All I need now is a new c clip . Does anybody Know what size they are on a grimeca ?

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