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Posts posted by scottishsteve
  1. I would say its high time for the SSDT rule committee to accept a standard & safe 'bottle' for riders to carry around - so they are not ridung against the rules.

    C'mon SSDT time for a minor tweak to the rules here and at the same time ensure safety.

    Me were I to ride again a bottle & Hebo tank would be a must ! (As you never know if you will need it or not)



    they do let you carry fuel in a hebo fuel tank :wall:

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  2. The flywheel cover can be bought new,no problem.Apparently they are cast a bit thick in section and can cause damage to the crankcase on impact.Only what i've heard,no personal experience of it.

    the clutch cover is more of a problem,I've tried Tig welding them with little success.Can only find them on E-Bay secondhand or at autojumbles etc.

    I even tried to encourage discussion on an Australian trials website,but no one could be bothered to answer.I have asked a few people here in the UK about having new clutch covers cast without the oil pump face - so it can bve more streamlined in appearance.

    will keep looking on ebay :thumbup:

  3. its only a small dent and scratch but the fact the pr**k didnt say anything makes it worse.why should i give up a sat shift to help set out a trial and they dont give two monkeys if they damage a van. :angry:

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