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Posts posted by jimw
  1. I do not believe it is a fight solely for Addingham Moorside as this could happen to any UK clubs trials venues. We need to stand up for our sport and Addingham is just one battle of many to come.

    All clubs, individuals, businesses need to unite against the threat. These bureaucrats, councillors etc know what they are doing and know the procedures to action them. We need to get one step ahead of them.

    There is no time for complacency!

    Quite right - there was a petition going at the last Hosforth trial I went to at Home Farm in Tong because someone has complained - surely there is a group lobbying on our behalf & if not there certainly should be. I'm sure there isn't a specific trials goup but there must be a broader group out there - anyone know?

  2. Hi again,

    I promised I'd post with the counsellor's reply ( as of 21 3 2007) - forgot to do so but better late than never. I don't know if things have moved on or not but I did ask him to update with any new developments. He does at least sound supportive.

    "I am aware of this issue and have recently spoken to the landowner about the current state of play.

    As I understand it the issue is about a legal change of use of the land from agriculture this can be achieved in one of two ways either by applying for a certificate of lawful use or by obtaining planning permission.The latter may be problematic since this is in the greenbelt.

    The landowner applied for a certificate of lawful use but this was not granted. The landowner had a right of appeal but has not done so as yet.

    This is a good resource, the situation is being investigated to see if there is a solution which will allow the landowner to continue."

  3. :D Hi just to let everyone know that addingham moorside is still open , i was up there this afternoon and i also had a chat with farmer who told me that the complaint was made by someone living lower than moor my guess is caravan site he also told me that he as a local counciller on his side and that moor will be open on wednesdays and weekends! THERE AS BEEN A LOT SAID ON THIS SUBJECT THAT IS TOTAL RUBBISH!

    That's good news - before I originally posted he told me he was trying for Wednesdays and weekends but then had received a summons and had been told that no one could practice and that the 14 day rule had been applied - presumably he has now resolved these issues. I'm not sure what has been said has been total rubbish - the problem appears to be that there has been a lot of uncertainty - I could only pass on what the farmer told me just as you have done.

  4. Does anyone know if this ban is already in force or can we continue to practice until we are notified somehow (I suppose a sign will be put up or the gate locked?).

    Can anyone recommend other venues in the area that we can use instead?

    Is there anything we can do to help/change the situation. eg. Writing to council/mp etc.

    When I saw him on Monday he told me that at the moment he wasn't allowed to let anyone practice. He hasn't put a lock on the gate or a sign up but wondered if his court visit might result in him having to. He said that local campaigners (for closure) were driving by taking notes and photos and checking if any bikes were using the land. I suppose there might be something more definite once he has been to court but for now it seems we shouldn't practice. The purpose of the post was to see if anyone had any more info or suggestions about how we might help because I'm not sure where to start. There's certainly been plenty of debate. I think I'll ask someone who knows him if there is anything we can do to help and I'll post again if I get anywhere.

  5. to jump to Spud's defence let me ask a very blunt and awkward question

    does this bit of land have any planning permission to allow more usages beyond the 14/28 day rule (the General Permitted Development Order) ???

    Fair question - although you are defending the indefensible! I'm afraid I don't know whether he has planning permission. I don't pretend to know the ins and outs of this matter - the posting was really to see if anyone had some hard information. In response to 4ourtea the farmer seems to think it is an individual but presumably DEFRA might be on his case at some point. If a non-farming private individual owned this area of land would permission still be required to use it for trials practice?

  6. Deary me Spud did you actually read my post ( 'yobs... no offence' - well I bloody well am offended )- as the cota kid quite rightly states the issue is about how we go about reaching a mutually acceptable resolution of this issue? However if you cannot trace the complainant or their agent then it is very difficult to enter into a dialogue never mind resolve it. It may be that we will need to limit practice days/times etc but I think it is a poor do if we don't even try. I have talked to the farmer on a number of occasions and am very well aware of what direction he would like things to go in - oddly enough neither of us mentioned paying the complainee a yobbish visit.......

  7. I've just been up to Addingham today and the farmer has told me that he is due to be summonsed to court for continuing to allow trials riders to practice. He told me last week he was trying to do a deal to allow practicing at weekends and on Wednesdays but it seems that this has come to naught. It seems there is a serious risk that Addingham will only be allowed to used 14 days per year (presumably for events) and that we won't be allowed to practice. I know that in the past threats to Addingham as a practice area have come and gone but it seems that this time it may actually occur. The problem is that I can't get any hard info off the farmer as to who is trying to obtain the ban ( presumably a neighbour via the local council). Anyone else in the know? With practice venues under threat all over the UK we really should try to keep Addingham open. :banana2:

  8. Any advice appreciated. A friend of mine bought this bike to start trials and I agreed to sort it for him. It needs a few obvious jobs doing and it'll have a stripdown and general overhaul but is there anything that those 'in the know' can tell me about this bike - quirks, upgrades etc.

    Thanks in advance.


  9. Having recently returned to trials & throughly enjoying it I'd appreciate some advice. I currently run a 2001 280 txt - I certainly don't deserve a newer bike (based on talent....) but that isn't going to stop me. How do the newer (say 2005/06) pros compare ? Also what about competitors - anyone got views about Sherco,Scorpa,Honda etc etc.?

    All views welcome and thanks.


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