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Everything posted by nsaqam
  1. Only 5 Pro riders contested the whole series in '05 but nobody wants to get rid of them or what they bring to the sport. Nigel's thought that we should adopt the British model of age=displacement has merit but then you know that I support a 125 Nat'l Championship and am aware of the obstacles and arguments against it.
  2. Huge congrats to RC3 on his determination and skill! Keep that 125 rockin' and rollin'. Good Luck at the remaining rounds.
  3. nsaqam

    The Challenge

    I shall, and I'm sure I will be impressed. He layed the smackdown on me when I deserved it for getting petty. I manned up and took it and then apologized for my behavior. My personal trials hero is Steve Ahlers, the guy who brought the WTC to Duluth and thusly, me into this sport. I lent some minor assistance to him and his dedicated crew for the '05 event. Griff Wigley is a stellar chap as well, came up 4-5 hours each way every weekend and is the main web dude on the UMTA site. Hats off to these folks! Many others helped as well and although I don't remember their names they deserve alot of credit too. One guy was an ex-pat Scot who lived in Canada with an "up yer kilt" sticker on everything he owned. Funny guy!
  4. Do you think that a World Class Indoor Trials Championship could be as popular in the U.S. as SX? I think it could approach SX levels. Witness the instant popularity of EnduroCross which has alot of trials DNA in it. I just read that Jeremy McGrath signed a big deal with NBC to promote a $500,000 invitational SX type event to be held in October. This event is supposed to have some unique twists to it and not just be a SX race. How about piggybacking on something like this? What about an indoor style trial being held outside at the MX outdoor nationals? Captive audience, motorcycle people, interested MX competitors, raffles, demos. The local trials clubs could do what they always do and setup and run the event. What do you folks think? I'd think if 30,000 people who were not previously exposed to trials saw even part of a trials event at least 1% of them would want to see more and participate. With 12 Nationals that's alot of exposure! How about at the AMA Amateur National Championships? This must have been discussed before and maybe it's even been done but I'd like to hear about your thoughts and experiences.
  5. nsaqam

    The Challenge

    I appreciate the support guys and I intend to stay involved here. This amazing sport has got me hooked and this forum is the best one out there. I do regret getting petty though and will guard against it in the future.
  6. My 7 year old girl got both Raga, and Sanz for the ladies. Laia is the only lady trialer she knows. My 4 yo boy got Laia but said FujiGas for the men. He loves saying FujiGas though. But, I've been watching all the Duluth WTC events on DVD alot lately and quite frankly I'm a freak!
  7. nsaqam

    The Challenge

    Gosh Alan, I wish I were coming to the WR. I'd love to see it again and also check out the TTC. But I have a new job and no vacation yet so I don't think I can make it. I'll have to settle for the TrialsTV DVD for my fix. Thanks for asking Ken
  8. nsaqam

    The Challenge

    I'm just responding to the threads I've read here in which Lane consistently gets slammed by folks. Sometimes it seems for no reason and with no qualifying comments or even recognition that Lane may have a sane point. To me that seems wrong, slam for the sake of slamming. As to Mr. Isherwood's extensive trials support and accomplishments I can only say Holy Cow and that I'm impressed and embarassed and I offer him and everyone else who was offended my sincere apology. Mr. Isherwood said it himself that if you were to look at the banter between Lane and himself you may be led to believe he was picking on Lane and Lane on him to some extent. I've admitted my TOTAL lack of experience in this amazing sport but everyone has to start somewhere. My greatest hope involving this sport is that it get the recognition and the monetary rewards it truly deserves. I wish Mr. Isherwood could make $1,000,000 a year and not have to do it as a labor of love. Although I appreciate the fact that he does the labor for a pittance. I will continue to desire an American World Champ because I think that's the only way all of you involved in this sport can get the rewards that you deserve. Mr. Isherwood, once again, please forgive my naivete and my careless comment. Thanks Ken Umpierre
  9. nsaqam

    The Challenge

    ishy, looking at my new Trialsport mag Lane has been Nat'l Champion and between 1975 and 1979 he never dropped out of the top 5. Pretty impressive I think! I didn't see your name though. Maybe you have some WTC titles but I'll have to research that. Your rabid hatred of everything Lane is ridiculous IMO.
  10. nsaqam

    Lance Armstrong?

    I just got my new MotoTrialsport mag today and it seems Alan and Lane were seen together in late June/early July at the TTC! Check out page 32! Just an attempt at humor guys.
  11. My daughter and I saw our first ever trials event when the WTC came to Duluth in 2004, We were impressed! But I was a SLOW single track rider on a nice KTM 250Exc. I rode for fun and competed in one enduro that I was very happy to finish in the middle of my class. When I found out the WTC was coming back to Duluth in 2005 I found out who the trialsmaster was (Steve Ahlers) and volunteered my services to help in any way that was needed. He was glad to have me help. I helped him and the rest of the guys there for several weekends setting sections up and generally just asking questions. We both went to the '05 WTC and I knew I wanted to try trials and so did my girl. I bought her a GG TXT50 last Summer but some lowlife stole it in November. I traded my KTM for a '99 GG TXT321 a couple of months ago and I took my first ride on a trials bike about a month ago. I am an absolute novice in this sport but I'm a voracious reader and have tried to learn all I could about it. Trialscomp, Trialssport, Ryan Young DVDs, forums, all the BA DVDs, Mark Manniko DVDs, anything and everything that I can. I've still never ridden a section or even ridden with another person for that matter. I will be joining the UMTA this Spring and would like to attempt some competitions as well. I have to get my girl a new bike soon too so we can learn together. So, I'm an ABSOLUTE nobody in this sport with no previous experience but with a strong desire to learn. I have learned alot thanks to all the good folks out there. Now I need to learn to ride and that will be much more difficult! It should be alot more fun though! If my complete lack of experience invalidates my thoughts, questions or comments I'm sorry and I'll shut up.
  12. As to the cheating thing, although I feel it wouldn't happen, the stroke of a 2 stroke trials bike is as easy to check as removing a spark plug and measuring it with a rod or dial indicator. This wouldn't eliminate overbores but the increase in displacement due solely to an overbore with no stroke modifications is small. I believe 144cc is the max practical limit. Make 144cc the max displacement for the class. If you wanted to limit the displacement to 125cc just pull the head and measure if suspected. Total cost to do that to a 2 stroke is 2 o-rings and some coolant, max $50!
  13. After rereading this thread I still have to say that the proposal that Lane made is still sound. It has been said in the Lance thread that the 125's teach riders how to ride their bike more efficiently, using traction and other basic techniques that may be masked by using a more powerful machine. Mr. Lampkin said as much. Quite frankly I see no downside to the 125cc proposal. I guess that I don't understand why there isn't already displacement based classes in trials like there is in nearly every other form of motorcycle racing? Why is that guys? Once again thank you Alan for bringing this thread back up, I enjoyed it.
  14. Thank you Alan, it is very informative. I'll respond after I get my daughter from school.
  15. nsaqam

    Lance Armstrong?

    Thanks Lane for your explanation of the ElTrial format. That sound like an excellent idea. I hope that the proposal you had presented to the NATC gets a fair hearing and is adopted. Sorry Sam for the thread hijack but Lance Armstrong's story goes very much to the point I've been making about interest in a sport going way up in America when an American starts winning. Thanks to everyone on this forum for all the wisdom and knowledge you've imparted so far and I hope to learn much more in the future.
  16. nsaqam

    Lance Armstrong?

    Yes I do have children Alan, only my daughter is old enough to ride though. If my girl showed the dedication neccesary and the desire to become world class I would indeed do whatever was required for her to achieve her goal. As would you I presume. (your child not mine). I just hope when she's ready to make that step she could do it in North America. With the support and guidance from those she rode with to get to that point. Would I move to Europe if that was required? Yes, I love Europe and all its history and I would love it. As to the 125cc point, if you want to play with the best you have to follow their program. As an analogy, if the U.S. wanted to field a competitive car in F1 we'd have to follow their formula of 2.4 liter V8 engines.
  17. nsaqam

    Lance Armstrong?

    Excuse my newbie ignorance but what is the "ElTrial" format?
  18. nsaqam

    Lance Armstrong?

    Thank you for your very informative reply Mr. Bechard. Of course you are correct in saying that youngsters pushing one another under the guidance of a quality coach is what is going to produce the results that most of us would like to see. But why hasn't this happened before? Since Mr. Schrieber in the '70s for Gods sake! I would think that in a country as large as ours we would have produced a champion in the 30 years since then just by happenstance. Your point about the 125cc Youth Championship requirement is insightful too. However, I believe that to progress in a European dominated competition we in America need to play by their rules on this matter. As to whether a new bike can be afforded every couple of years, some families cannot but many families can. I rarely see a 3 year old bike at my local MX track. Some folks get 2 bikes a year, and many get a new bike every year. These folks aren't making money racing, their spending it. Alot of it! I'm very happy that places like the TTC and ITS exist for our kids and us old folks. I hope to take advantage of their services in the future. Bravo to all the good people who are giving their time and energy and devotion to this sport!I just wish guys like Chris Florin didn't have to make the tough decision he has to make. I wish the process of producing World Champions was further along in America than it is. And I wish Observed Trials had the exposure and monetary success it truly deserves. It'll take some American Champions to get there.
  19. nsaqam

    Lance Armstrong?

    Thank you Steve, that was a kind post and without intending to, I feel as though I've been stomping on some toes here lately. I really had/have no idea what position Lane is in to influence the NATC. I assumed he was a past National Champion who no longer was involved in the running of the NATC. If he is indeed just grousing about the way things are but not actually doing what's in his power to do then that is truly sad. Thats my job! I have no power but I have been complaining I also agree that we should be complying with the 125cc rule. I just want this sport to get the respect it truly deserves. This is a very spectator friendly sport and absolutely amazing to watch. With more exposure I believe this sport would soar. I just wish I could ride! Thanks
  20. nsaqam

    Lance Armstrong?

    Thank you all for your replies. Once again I didn't intend to disparage anyone with my "unAmerican" comment. I do think however that unless what someone is saying is akin to saying "fire" in a movie theater, their freedom to express their views should not be usurped. What Mr. Leavitt stated did not seem to me to rise to that level. I don't know if the opinions he has expressed are fabrications because nobody has debunked them to my admittedly limited knowledge. If what Mr. Leavitt is saying is false, slanderous, and libelous then he may need to be rebuked. And deservedly so. As to the other points. To my knowledge very few American MXers went to Europe to learn their trade. Men like Bob Hannah, Damon Bradshaw, Jeff Ward, Broc Glover, Jeremy McGrath and more recently Ricky Carmichael only went to Europe rarely and then only to BEAT the best Europe had to offer. The Europeans come here because they want to race the best. I would also venture to say that 99.99 percent of the Americans who race MX do not make a penny from it. In this way it is no different than trials. I would love to be able to tune in coverage of the latest WTC event on my tv but I can't. I can get live POKER tournaments though, and live FMX events by God! I, and everyone who's ever seen a WTC event or any trials event knows that the fan appeal of trials far exceeds that of these lame events. My point is that until Greg LeMond and Lance Armstrong, both Americans, started winning at the Tour de France it was merely a 2 minute news event. When Americans started winning, interest went through the roof. You now have everyday live coverage of the event. I for one would love to see trials attain that same lofty status. That status is surely what these incredible athletes and competitors deserve, as well as the money that comes with it. How can anyone be opposed to these competitors getting paid at least what a hockey player, or a FMX guy gets paid. I don't see this as an impossible feat but I do think it will take an American winning the WTC repeatedly before it even has a chance over here. As for my daughter, I do indeed hope that she aspires to be the best in the World in whatever field she desires, as does every father. If I instill the desire for excellence in her as I should, I would be doing her a great disservice if I were to fail to provide her with the tools and commitment necessary for her to achieve her goals. As much as I love Europe, I hope she can achieve her goals in America. Thank you gentlemen, Ken Umpierre
  21. Ridgrunr, thanks for the very informative posting! I have a '99 TXT321 too and it's good to hear that they are durable and capable. I have a slight clutch drag issue with mine and I'll be sure to get some Maxima lite oil for it to see if that fixes it. My forks seem to be a little too stiff going by the "push down on the center of the bike and see if both ends move fairly equally" method shown on the Ryan Young and the Mark Manniko/Tommi Ahvala training videos. Can this be adjusted by making the preload spacer shorter or do I need new springs? I have a lathe in my basement so I can make it any length I want. If I can shorten it, how much should I? 5mm or 10mm or more? Thanks for any info you may have I truly appreciate it. HATR, sorry for the thread hijack, I'll make it up to you!
  22. nsaqam

    Lance Armstrong?

    That is truly a tragic story about Dr. Wagner and his late wife. I'm very sorry for the family and all the loved ones. I surely didn't intend to demean anyone and I apologize if that was the case. My question remains however, why can't Americans succeed at the top levels? Lane gave me his understanding of the reasons and I haven't heard any other credible explanations yet. Are we less skilled, less trainable, less coordinated? I didn't get the impression that what Lane said was an attack on anyone. What I read was that a decision was made to not have a large professional presence at American trials with the emphasis instead on a fun atmosphere for the club riders. If that is indeed the case then their goals are laudable and by any measure, successful. Lane praises Dr. Wagner and the NATC for what they have accomplished and urged me to support the NATC instead of searching for an alternative organization. I believe that the Sportsman model now in place is sound and inclusive but I also believe that there should be room in the tent for a system that strives to produce American athletes who win at the very highest levels of competition. To demonize Mr. Leavitt because he wants to produce World Champions while still maintaining the Sportsman model is wrong. To ask him to be banned from the forums for expessing his views is wrong as well as being unAmerican. A public discussion in an open environment should be welcomed and not suppressed. If there are factual mistakes or blatant misrepresentations of anyones views please correct them and set the record straight. Saying someone is lying without pointing out the truth as you see it lets the lie stand and that is a disservice to everyone. Thank you all for the knowledge you've imparted up to now, I seek more. Very Sincerely, Ken Umpierre
  23. nsaqam

    Lance Armstrong?

    Lane, you make a good point about working from within the NATC.
  24. Trialsurfer, I appreciate that Chris wishes to compete at the highest level. I wish I were in a position to help him but, alas, I'm not. There has to be some folks who have the same wishes as Chris and have the wherewithal to make it happen. Our trials organizations should embrace someone like him. Bravo!
  25. Lane, thanks for all the work you and Bernie and countless others did in the '70s to bring Americans to the top of the podium. We need that kind of commitment again but this time when we get to the top the money will surely follow just because there is so much more of it now. They televise everything these days, from FMX, to poker for Gods sake! The potential for this sport to take off in the U.S. is there, it just needs to be tapped.
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