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Posts posted by aids
  1. I had the same problem on my Honda -  open throttle full kick twice, then do a normal start works for me and other Honda rides I have have seen having starting problems when its hot

    Good luck


  2. With No Spectators aloud at this group, I though I would show, for those how don't know what this group of sections look like and what the riders have to ride up.

    If you don't know about this well known group, once the riders enter at the bottom, they is only one way out and that's at the top

    (the video only shows half way up the full length of the gully, to the big step)

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  3. I have just replaced my fan and dismantlied wiring that connected the coil to the farm etc, Now putting back together I can't remember how it fits together - 2 black boxes (I have seen wiring diagrams but these do no help) its the position of the components as these not much space.

    Could someone help with taking photos of how the wires connect to the frame/coil and the wire that fits to the top of the fan and the 2 black boxes

    Thank you in advance


  4. I have come back to trails from racing, where an engine is flat out for a long time on a lean mixture to get the speed, Trails bikes don't go under so extreme treatment for any length of time, just short squirts (unless you have just done a road/moor run in the scottish)!

  5. Thank you for your comments, looks like the Riders over the pond have it sorted, It must be us English that put our heads in the sand and hope one day it will all come right.

    A more professional approach would help, out of the 5 club trials only one had a pre start (with a car horn) Riders briefing about: number of sections / laps / dangers, places not to go etc. (If I can remember back in the 70's this alway happened). Every motor sport as some kind of rider/driver briefing before the start, why not us!

    To bring new young riders (and Parents) in to the sport we have to be more organised ,if they see these no command / structure to the event, we are not the only motor sport available on a weekend

    Trials organisation need to address this problem (when all us older riders have retired (again) they will be on one coming in to fill our places) and the sport will be lost - no bike, clothing, sales the knock on effect is large

  6. Hi

    I have been away from trials for around 14 years and just started back riding again.
    On coming back to trials I have seen the recruitment at club level for observers, as not changed, its difficultI !
    As I have been away so long if the idea as been discussed before - sorry
    Just an idea - Self Observing
    Each section positioned at the end on a post/tree at handle bar hight, a punch, as riders we have own score cards, (similar used in the Nationals back in my day). when the rider as ridden the section, they punch they own score card, on sections that do have an observer they can use the punch card system.
    I feel this way more people will come to watch the sport not in fear of been roped in to observe.
    If a club know they are going to have problems getting observers, they could lay out a self observe punch card system.
    At club level we are not going to be the next works rider, most are out for the enjoyment and exercise, let the Centre and National trials sort them out.
    Un observed sections: You don’t know where the board is on arriving, is it at the start or at the end cards or up a tree, behind a rock. Passing the board along the queueing rides breaks your concentration before you ride also mates giving mates better scores.
    (Those who would score them selfs better will only be cheating themselves - its a club trial not a World Round (its NOT about the winning but having FUN at club level, its a hobby).
    What do you do about club championships - that's when cheating will happen! just to get your name on a cup!
    Rider numbers are getting smaller, what's the point been a club champion of that club if that club is no longer around. (Put the resources/money that would go to buy the cup/shield in to club funds to get the club better equipped)
    PS I have organised and set out trials in the past, I know how difficult it is, do you do 8 sections and not 12, cos you won’t get that many observers.
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