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Posts posted by fivemeister
  1. I

    called my mate at Mikuni and asked for all of the Mikuni carb specs and an education on same.

    Hardly worth it - had mine well over a year and jetwashed twice a week and never even had the carb off to clean it. Goes as clean as a whistle. I am of the 'ain't broke don't fix it' clan.

  2. So you'd advise a lower route?

    I was being facetious - having seen you riding with injuries that would put most folk in bed for a week. but with an injury like that, I would have thought only complete rest will sort it.

    You of all people don't need advice re injury rehabilitation from anyone on here though - do you!

    My dad had a pit accident and damaged the same part over thirty years ago and still only has partial movement in his wrist.

  3. From a quick look (you need to verify) it looks like the noseweight of an A4 is 80kg. Considering most bikes are in the region of 70 - 75 kgs it should be ok. Just be careful until you are used to the different steering characteristics when using it - especially in the wet as it makes the front end much lighter.

  4. This is a problem in trials as long as I can remember. I rode one trial where a group of around eight of us rode together and took turns observing the group. First through section one rode to the next section, examined it for riding then picked up the board to observe the group through as they arrived and so forth. With a group that size riding together it was a good crack and little chance of cheating - especially if the group has been randomly chosen. Good way of making new mates too.

    The marking is likely to be spot on too as all the riders know the rules and with the whole group are mostly present and watching for correct and even application of the rules.

  5. So come on then how do you ride it so that it grips

    Same as any four stroke - minimal clutch. The grip issues come when traction is broken (by feathering the clutch) half way up a slippery bank for example. Re introducing drive causes the break in traction as the 4 stroke power characteristic is initially too severe (on intial take up) and spins the wheel rather than bites. If you leave the clutch alone and keep a controlled throttle, the machine chugs up anything.

    Hope this makes sense?

  6. Well done Ripa, but I still reckon it has to be easier rocking the engine forward - its not difficult and gives you better access to slide the feeler gauges in.

    If you read the superb valve adjustment guide on the adventure rider website - http://advwisdom.hogranch.com/Wisdom/ (see OVAD) - there's a knack to getting the correct adjustment by 'feeling' the slide or 'drag' of the gauge through the valve. I can't imagine how you can get this 'feel' in such a confined space?

  7. Fivemeister. I used Calladines' about 20 years ago for some polishing. I must admit I didn't know they re-chromed forks. Well worth a call.

    Yep, think this was the main business at one time - they just did my Fantic 240 stantions. There's a really good welder at Bilsthorpe as well - can do almost anything (WELLSPEK)

    recommendation at Suzuki beamish club - http://www.beamishownersclub.com/_sgg/m8_1.htm

  8. Can't compare to a 4RT as I have never ridden one, but had my 300 beta since Feb and I don't think you would ever be wanting for power. Very light and flickable and those experts who have tried it can do anything trick that they would on thier 2T version. It has been exceptionally reliable and an excellent starter (except when been upside down or on its side for a while when it will need a few extra kicks)

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