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Posts posted by whatgearyouusing
  1. Thanks for the reply Malcra - beginning to think that there wasnt anybody out there! :thumbup: I havent had much progress with an electronic ignition as yet. Ive spoken to Martin M and he's looking into it aswell. I presume that your Beta has electronic ignition on it then?Does it make a significant improvement to the bike?Ill keep you posted if I make any progress.Cheers

  2. All things being equal (punctures,mechanicals etc) Im going for Grimbo - I reckon he must still be spitting feathers after last years exclusion.I only wish I could be there riding with them.Unfortunately I already have a date with a nice warm cup of cocoa and a travel rug sat in front of the fire! :D

  3. I have an Acerbis plastic petrol tank on my bike that has been painted-poorly :D .The paint is bubbling and is starting to crack.Ive been told that if I strip the paint off that it might look clean underneath,something to do with the ingrained muck coming off with the paint.Has anybody had any experience of anything like this?Can anybody recommend a good tank sprayer if I strip it and find out that it looks cr*p?Thanks in advance.

  4. Are you kidding?It seems everything I do turns into a nightmare! ;) I agreed with my neighbour last week to replace my boundary fence which was Kn*ckered.I took down the old fence which was covered in a 1000 years worth of ivy.Then I found I had to chop out the old concrete foundations by hand.Along part of the boundary there is also a wall which I think Moses built.As weve been chopping out for the new foundations this has finally given up the ghost and is now leaning at an angle which defies gravity and now requires rebuilding!On the trials side I bought a twinshock that was "ready to trial".One year later Im still at it :)

  5. What position are your levers in? I used to get wrist ache when riding aswell.I was told to lower the position of my levers so that the back of my hands and my forearms were in a straight a line as possible rather than riding with my wrists bent.It worked for me! :)

  6. Ive heard a lot of people say how powerful the 350 jumbo is.Is that "powerful" as compared to other bikes of that era?As I havent had the priviledge of riding a Jumbo :thumbup: how do they compare with the power of say a modern bike?

  7. Some interesting stuff on here.Ive just had Falcons on my bike after reading previous posts on here and Im not too impressed at all.They are far too hard and have little damping or rebound on them.I was about to say that they were rubbish until I read Woody's post.Perhaps they're just not set up right.Only problem now is how to get them set up right for me - I expected them to be ready from the box :thumbup:

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