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Posts posted by bigfoot
  1. I was having problems starting me 2001 280 recently and so serviced the carb. It was a little dirtly and had a little water in the bowl but otherwise was OK. The bike now starts but runs badly. It pinking, hunting and not ticking over very well. I think its running too rich/lean and have tried adjusting to no avail. How many turns out should the mixture be set of normal UK riding?

  2. The rules in the UK are that all riders must have thier arms covered and wear a helmet. Schoolpersons must also wear gloves but these are optional for adults.

    I don't think there are any other restrictions on riding gear. I personally would remove the long sleave rule for adults and insist on all riders wearing suitable boots. You can currently ride in sandles if you want but you must have your arm covered. Kind of silly when you think about it.

  3. Wecome Ross I hope you continue to enjoy the site. It's great when you see that your not the only nut case out there.

    My brother is in the middle of buying a house over there so maybe I'll get a chance to come ride with you one day.

  4. I was called out last night by the local mountain rescue team to help a guy with a broken leg. They had scrambled a helicopter and a team on foot but I live at the bottom of the hill and could get up to him pretty quickly of the bike. I set of in snow and soon found the going tough. I made it up to the guy in about 10 mins (more importantly here I did it for only two dabs). Anyway the guy was lying in the snow exposed to a strong icy wind. I got him moved and covered up with blankets in a less exposed ditch and waited with him for about an hour and half. By the time the team had arrived and the helicopter had landed I was bloody freezing. I rode back down afterward and can only say that I would have paid quite a lot for heated grips. My fingers were still sore after 3 or 4 hours.

  5. I ride in cold weather with the HEBO neoprene glove. As said above they are not waterproof but when wet they stay warm. The last longer that the normal ones and give great bar grip in all weathers.

    I think you can still get these, check with your local dealer.

  6. Thanks everyone, I think!

    This has helped a little but only a little. I know if I ride the GG04 I'll like it but is it the best bike for me? The beta appears well built and my old Techno never missed a beat. As I said I ride a 2001 TXT 280 just now and like it too.

    It may come down to what's the best deal I can get when the time comes.

  7. Bigfoot just got a 04 pro 200 and like Steve can't believe how good it is, had a go on my old 250 2000 txt the other weekend and it felt like a PRE65. ;)


    I think Mac's post should have had a coma after 'Bigfoot' and/or an I added before 'just'.

    He's refering to his own bike. I'm still thinking about it and trying to choose between a GG & Beta.

  8. We now have almost two hundred forum users registered. Why so few posts?

    Are you all scared to speak up in a quiet room. This site is already far better than another one I won't name with up to date news and a fresh new feel but the forums are just too quiet. Even the young lads Wonder bra and reverance aren't saying much and that's kind of worrying though I'm afraid to admit it.

    Come folks let get this thing moving. Post stuff, ask questions anything.

  9. Is anyone out there riding an 04 GasGas? I'm looking at upgrading the 2001 TXT sometime soon and would like to hear what people have to say about it. I'm also thinking about changing over to the 04 Techno.

  10. Fit like folks?

    It's great to see so many old faces (well avitars) back. I know they're not really back as this is a new site but it's beginning to feel like nothing changed.

    Don't take this the wrong way Andy. I know a hell of a lot has changed but it's to your great credit that it doesn't feel too different.

  11. I have an four year old Fujifilm MX-1200 @ 1.3M pixel. It just great for standard stuff or even action when there is plenty of light but reduce the light and it becomes awful. I used to be a pretty serious SLR man and am interested in a camera that will take my Pentax K mount lens. Does anyone know of a good one that not to expensive?

    Also to those of you who have fancy digitals is the poor light and fast action issues still a concern or is that sorted now.

  12. Now, compare Doug; 7 world outdoor titles......and in his dad's own words many years ago when he rode Beta "the best head on any trials rider I've ever seen".



    If we had Colley back my wife would misquote Doug's dad and say

    "the best bum on any trials rider I've ever seen"

    She's lost interest since Steve disappeared and I'm afraid I just don't match up. :rolleyes:

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