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Posts posted by rob214
  1. Who wants to keep smashing £5000 on a pile of rocks for a plastic trophy, i do i do.

    the problem with the sport is what makes the sport great to us. it's not racing, it's not in a stadium where they can sit watch and order beer while a screaming announcer builds intensity and we see riders jump high in the air, or go 200 mph for 5 hours. trials is not a sport for the majority, it's slow, it's in the woods, it takes a long hike to see riders in the sections instead of the riders performing right in front of my comfy seat, while they eat over priced hot dogs drinking over priced beer.

    stadium trials could be a good fit in the x games but hey only 10 guys in the world can do that.

    trials is pretty much the cheapest motor sport on the planet, i've raced mx, quads, jet ski's, and sports cars. trials by miles wins as the cheapest investment i've ever made. usually i only change what i break and my last bike lasted me almost 6 years.

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  2. ok, i guess we're at an impasse, just let me know the rules and i'll ride, with that i'm off to bed. i need my rest so i can ride, hop, stop, no stop and just plane old have some fun on my 2013, disk brake, water cooled, hydraulic clutched / brake, no seat underweight bike. i don't want bad feelings between me and anyone else i'm not offended nor to i want to offend. your opinion is yours feel free to voice it. but i think on this topic i'm done.

    good luck, God bless


  3. There was a 90 second time limit for the sections. So the riders would NOT be "sitting still in sections all day"

    If 90 seconds was too long then shorten it up to 75 seconds etc....

    ah yes the time limit debacle, personally i don't care how long it takes for a ride through the section. but that rule was bad. a rider goes into a section pulls off major feats of magic over obstacles no mere mortal can imagine and then the whistle blows, sorry your insane yet brilliant riding exceeded the time limit here's your 5. try explaining that logic to non-enthusiast trying to watch trials for the first time.

  4. i would like to hear from any and everyone who attended a trial this year to give their opinion.

    i attended the US round, i'm not a fan of no stop. but the event was great. anyone whose been in person, does it really look like a no stop event? not to me. it looked like a "it's ok to pause as long as you try and look like your making an attempt" after a few moments of sitting still a 5 is tossed out. the rule i feel did what it might have intended to try and do, keep riders moving and not sitting still in sections all day. what i do feel is that the new style of riding / rules needs to have the sections that match the style of riding. for me TTC was a mixed bag of sections. i loved the creek sections and didn't care for the hill climbs. yes these guys have big balls and it was impressive to watch but the rocky creek sections were my favorites.

    when i ride i can ride almost every section no stop, but i'm a sportsman and my sections are no where near as complex. so watching me ride stop or no stop is not something very special. but i love to see riders hop from large rock to large rock it's just cool. most of the top riders can ride through 80% of the section without a problem, it's the 1 big obstacle thats tossed in to separate the men from the boys that gets the points most of the time. take out that one thing and more riders can do it but you don't challenge the top guys.

    this issue isn't about what we can do but how to push the best of the best to the limit of bike and rider to it's fullest. for all those that love the old days they just need to have a world championship for pre whatever year you choose bike / rule you wish. we all have our own idea of fun thats what make life interesting


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  5. as the title ask, if you do or have is it worth it? is the coverage good? quality? content? in the states we only have what people post on here or youtube so i wouldn't mind being able to get a bike fix whenever i wanted. i don't have cable i don't even see mx, or moto gp. the price for a years worth of fim - live is less than a month of cable subscription.



  6. because they can get away with it. also it's ingrained in their riding style. all these current riders probably weren't even born when no stop went away. all they have ever ridden is trick riding and stopping to hop and line up their bike. just like most old timer nonstop guys never really stop in sections that they could have. look at where they stop, it's almost always in a turn with some form of trick riding that really they didn't even need to stop for.

    look back at the guys that started the trick riding. i remember watching them ride and they were so fluid and always seemed in control. when they started the trick riding it was during the no stop rules they just did what they knew how to do and added the trick moves so it stayed pretty fluid. once stop and hop came into vogue it became a lot less fluid and much more aggressive and less flowing. it then advanced into what we have had up until this new rendition of non stop and these guys are the reverse of the innovators of the past trying to learn how to do it fluidly and not stop. but the rules need to be clear and if they can get away with a small stop / hesitation then that's what we will have and it's not nearly as well done as it could be or was done in the past.

  7. 1st i never thought bou was boring but it sure needs some drama. with the stopping there seems to be a build up to an attack an obstacle. it defiantly looks and sounds harder to do. with no stop it seems like they have more run at stuff and less drama. it just looks like a slow ride in the woods. in person i know from my own riding / video taping that the camera flattens the terrain. other than it's way bigger stuff than i can ride, to me doesn't look nearly as spectacular. this could be in part to the section layout.

    one thing that is obvious is that it's easier to ride very slowly with an occasional hesitation lets say than to actually stop inches away from some thing and make it up. i still feel the rules and or spirit of the rules aren't being followed or enforced. i much preferred for example watching albert cabestany ride the same sections as he seemed to be trying more along the lines of the spirit of the no stop rules.

    take football (US or euro) there is a build up of excitement that leads to a goal or a blocked goal. with no stop it seems that build up is missing.

    my 2 cents


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  8. you need a new case. happens all the time. the best thing is to keep replacing the fluid on a regular bases. you might try some liquid metal or something to get you through a day but probably needs replacing soon. i had the same problem last year

    i think one of the older model case is made of alum and a better replacement.


  9. i will be visiting my wifes family in texas for the new years weekend and would love to do some riding. maybe the friday / saturday before heading home on sunday. we will be in the mckinney area. i've been to red river park lots of times but that appears to be about and 1 1/2 hour drive from the inlaws house.

    anyone know where i could ride closer to mckinney?



  10. great job pat, podium finishes are great, don't beat yourself with to much pressure remember it's supposed to be fun and a learning experience. take it all in and enjoy. remember the hard times make us stronger and better. if you can finish on podium when your not pleased with your riding just think what you can do when you relax and ride your best.


  11. i've been wearing cti since 1989 and never once a problem. while i agree with the strong muscle theory myself there's no way for your knee to take a 1,000 pound force hit or twist. an acl operation takes a long time to heal, the brace is cheap compared to that.

    good luck and i'm glad your taking it seriously because it can happen


  12. torn acl in both knees and i wear a cti on both knees. it's better than another operation. at 46 i'll never be as strong as when i was 18 or 20 and i can't work out enough to build back what i've lost. the braces are cheap insurance to helping you recover and hopefully never re injuring the knee.

    once you hurt a knee it's never the same, i did my first one 28 years ago racing mx i have 2 staples and a pin in the left knee and all the carthlidge(sp) has been removed. a torn right acl that i won't get repaired until i can't walk. i use the braces for extra support as trials is usually putting us in slippery places and one wrong move and bang popped knee.

    if you don't have bad knees remember to train hard to avoid it at all cost. also what i've learned is some people like myself are prone to knee injuries. the way my knee is made makes it easier to hurt the ligaments. the last dr. said something about the location of the attachment points of my ligaments.


  13. if you go the welding route then have them fill the bolt hole and keep a wet rag on parts that you don't want much heat on and then when you do a temp install you mark the bollt hole and then drill a new hole. the best bet is to buy a new part but i like a challange so i would buy the part and try and fix the old one.

    thats just me


  14. to bad about the brake but that's a perfect practice tire......... i use well worn tires forever and then fit a new one for events that lets me run one good tire set all year and then i have a new practice set for the next year just keep rotating them out.

    as for the brakes have you talked to a welding shop maybe they can weld it? or is it a cast piece?


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