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Everything posted by 73anth
  1. cheers windlestone, the more info the better!!!
  2. cheers coxy, does it take a lot of pressure to push it through, as i had a quick try, but didnt seem to be pumping through?
  3. found the resovoir, opened the bleed nipple and pumped the brake. a bit of black fluid came out, then it stopped, i had filled the resovoir, and the level never went down. when people say"bleed it from the caliper end with a syringe" do i have to open anything at the other end to let the fluid flow?
  4. gonna try to bleed the rear brake, where is the resovoir, what part needs to come off? if anyone has a picture, that would help.
  5. my mates rear brake on his bike is cr*p, works a bit, pads are ok. novice to bikes, so clear instructions needed please chaps!!!
  6. told you i was new to this never been to a trials comp, it was a case of a mate bought a bike a few years back, had no one to go with, so he left it in the garage, and plagued me to get one,had no where to store it till i got my extension built, bought the bike, been out on it twice, injured twice love it !!!!
  7. hi Cota, new to all this, is the cleveland trial held at "chartons"? ive just become a member so might have a pop up. (night out in the town night before, ) The Cleveland is a National trial, which starts and finishes at Castleton. The lap is about 25 miles and takes in about 36 sections. You need to have submitted an entry by post and been successful in the ballot. are spectators allowed to come on their bikes to follow the trial?
  8. hi Cota, new to all this, is the cleveland trial held at "chartons"? ive just become a member so might have a pop up. (night out in the town night before, )
  9. can you buy replacement peaks for xspeed open face helmets? only bought it 2 weeks ago, noticed that the black plastic screw thing was missing, forgot about it and lost it somewhere today
  10. hi Baldilocks,im not going to warden law until sunday,will be there about 11am,blue bmw tourer, gas gas 2000 250, young un will be on his suzuki lt50 quad. if your there pop over for a brew mate. get yourself to the trial anth, thats where I'll be sunday. It will be worth a look out and you'll be fine on the easy course promised the little fella i would take him on his quad, where is the trial at?
  11. hi Baldilocks,im not going to warden law until sunday,will be there about 11am,blue bmw tourer, gas gas 2000 250, young un will be on his suzuki lt50 quad. if your there pop over for a brew mate.
  12. lol mate... im lucky enough to have an old bath at work that i can use. first bike, so im assuming from your replys that my tyre is tubeless, and i can get one of those dog turd things to fix it? i always thought they had to be pulled from the inside of the tyre?
  13. i have a slow puncture in my rear tyre, i took it to my local tyre centre and they said they were not allowed to fix motorbike tyres??? he said it was commonplace at most places he knew. anyone else come across this?
  14. i will second " 4ourtea " got one at work . good vans . just dont sit in the middle seat if your over 4 foot, for a long journey
  15. 73anth

    Correct Fuel Mix

    hi, dont think it makes a diifference between bikes,i was told anywhere between 80 & 100-1 ratio for my gas gas. regards anth
  16. cheers lads, will get the vin number wrote down(havnt done it yet )
  17. i have fumes coming from the push in part of my exhaust on my 2000 250 gas gas, is there a gasket / seal or something that needs replacing, or might it sort itself if i take it apart and put it back together? also, ive just bought the bike and it was described as a "txt 250cc gas gas 2000". on the tank it says "249 "and on the frame "2000". are there any other types of bikes from that year , as i bought a replacement air filter for it today, and it looks like its the wrong way round? will have to check tomorrow as bike is not kept at home cheers anth
  18. hi, i have just started riding and need to know of my local bike track/trails. cheers
  19. 73anth

    Trial Newbie

    Yup. You can also clean air filters in any high flash point solvent (kerosine, etc). I'd also strongly recommend that after washing in solvent that you wash the filter again in nice warm water with some dish washing soap. You'll be surprised how much more dirt is released in the soapy water, even after a thorough solvent washing. Cheers JTT
  20. 73anth

    Trial Newbie

    is this the stuff i need ? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...A:IT&ih=007
  21. 73anth

    Trial Newbie

    cheers Betarev3, got some work ahead of me then sorting/checking the bike. cheers again
  22. 73anth

    Trial Newbie

    hi, just bought my first trial bike, 2000 gas gas 250, im after the basics of maintenence for it , ie what do i use to clean the air filter,what octane fuel will be best, what make of oil for the mix, and gearbox oil. and any other info i might need to no!!!! hope someone can help. cheers anth
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