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Posts posted by benbeta23
  1. I Emailed Factory Kev@ GasGas UK & he said that the standard 3.5 slide is to weak for the 300pro's & needs a 3 slide instead, i've emailed him back but havn't got a reply yet.



  2. Hi, does anyone know where i can get a 3 slide for a Keihin PWK carburettor, can you order them from GasGas UK, i'm not sure about all this carb stuff. i no the carb is a flat slide carb but are the slides a thing you can buy separatly.

    Cheers for your help,


  3. Hi, i have a few of long lines of fuel stains on the bottom part of my frame of my gas gas, that have leaked out from the overflow pipe, it was like that when i bought the bike but more has leaked out but i havn't noticed!!, how do i get rid of them.



  4. You will have to get a new middlebox as well because the silencer is welded on to that so it would be about 400 for the exhaust & about 300-350 for the airbox probably, but there will probably be another way around fixing the airbox rather than buying a new one.

    Unlucky! with the crash mate.


  5. Forgetting what it cost for a moment, and who knows what the new bikes will cost in around November time, It looks much better in the flesh!


    Wow, what do you think of it.

  6. When a bike is the best, who cares what it costs. You can even find ways to personalise your Raga but no matter how much money you spend on a non Raga it will never be a RAGA.

    Very nice bike you have there mate, have you got a carbon silencer fitted to it.

  7. Great! so basically the message to GG and GGUK is - so long as it looks nice with some different shiny stickers and some extra parts on please charge me
  8. Just add a couple of washers to the exhaust side of the top rear shock bolt and reduce the thickness of the spacer on the bottom bracket on the rear master cylinder. On an 09 this allows the exhaust to clear the wheel by a long way

    Cheers that has helped a lot.

  9. Hi, on my GG 300 pro the silencer seems to be rubbing on the tyre, i've tried pulling the silencer out a bit, it seems to have worked but no doubt it will do it again soon, is there anyway of making sure it won't happen again so it doesn't wear the paint away.



  10. The pilot jet is the side jet, you should be able to notice the size difference between the pilot & the main jet

    I also have this knocking noise on my bike, i took the bike to go on a dyno-mometer, and the guy reccomended a different pilot jet as the bike was running rich & a different needle, so i have ordered them & he said it should be perfect when they are put in. but i still haven't got the jets yet lol.

    It didn't help at all with Sam Haslam taking the original Keihin carb off, which was set up by GG UK prefectly with the right jets (factory secret), and putting a standard dellorto back on, i have bought another Keihin for it now, but still with standard jets in, so i'm going to get them changed ASAP!



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