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Everything posted by 003nahalf
  1. Cheers woody i thought this was the case having been involved with speedway clutches before just didn't know if i was in the right ball park will crack on now then. Many thanks Jim
  2. Hi guys does anyone know the correct torque settings for the cluth retaining lock wire nuts on a Sherpa 250 clutch assembley please Jim
  3. Great advise from trialchamp but also check the valve around the entry to wheel and also the valve itself with the snotty stuff. Valves themelves can fail at any time and a good tip for all riders is go to local tyre fitters and ask the lads for some valves and caps (they have millions on top and around tyre machine) and pop them in match box in top of tool box.
  4. My son has a TXT 07 125 and although i have heard of the gearbox gremlins !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would like to know from someone else who has suffered; ''Quote'' My gear lever is going around clicking and selecting some gears on its way and guess what dad, and if you dont believe me ask george, My bike went into gear on its own and set off when i was warming her up and that is the gods honest truth why that dent is in the back of your van !!!!!!!!!!! Can you fix it for me mate ? ''Unquote'' To be told this by your 12 year old son who refers you as MATE whenever his chums are around has made me very suspicious indeed. So basically something has become detached and is not connecting and my questions are therfore. a) Can I fix it with some mechanical knowledge/savvy What is it, ie does anyone know and c) Is it going to cost an arm and an equally old knackered leg Any help would do guys including step by step remedial instruction. Jim
  5. Thanks Woody for this info kinda sussed her out on Sunday but retired anyway due to the old girl flooding like B@&*)$
  6. Can any one tell me or indeed point me in the right direction for info on web of the screw settings for my carb please. Just bought bike and will trial it tomo but 'she aint running right' Many Thanks. Jim
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