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Posts posted by sawtooth
  1. Been riding up Kilkenny (Gloucestershire) for a few months now with no problems what so ever, but the last few weekends theres been 15-20 lads turning up with pit bikes and full size crossers and acting like right pr*cks. I'm all for everyone having a place to ride but they are racking up quite a list of things that arnt good:

    • Racing laps around the car park spraying all the cars with gravel (i've been told riding in the car park is NOT allowed anyway)
    • Racing laps around the quarry with no regard for anyone else, spraying gravel on people
    • Leaving massive amounts of litter everywhere including oil cans and glass bottles
    • Shouting abuse at trials riders or families that get in 'their' way
    • Jumping and crashing near innocent people
    • General antisocial behaviour

    None of them are even wearing any protective gear at all, 5mins after they turn up everyone else is forced to leave, families and kids dont feel safe and trials riders are left with nowhere to ride. I have told them they should be riding at Nettleton as its more motocross themed, but i think the fact they have no protection and the

  2. Ok, played the demo on xbox this afternoon for half hour or so. All i found was Motocross bikes and tracks that make you backflip. I know trials and i know gaming, and at no point did the game make me feel that i was anywhere near a trials bike, trials rider or trials course so in my honest opinion this game should be called FMX HD.

    Of course the above is just my opinion.

  3. The Garage is a great place for somebody with graphics ADHD like me. I change the way it looks so often, even members of my own club don't know if I got a new bike or not. ;) But changing graphics is cheaper than a new bike.
    Newer plastics and stickers certainly transformed my bike, not cheap though (
  4. Pass along to them that trials bikes don't have high front fenders. Something as basic as that, they got wrong. Never mind the ridiculous air time, back flips, etc. Maybe a great game, and lots of fun, but calling it "Trials" is a joke of the highest order.
    Alas, someone more blunt than i. Check out Motoracer 3.
  5. I just had a thought.... the VMAR top yoke dosent specify different years for fitment. If the VMAR top yoke fits ALL rev 3's then a standard Beta 2008 top yoke will fit other years too. Question is, which one is cheaper, VMAR or Beta?

  6. Hmm, i wasnt aware that the '08 had FatBars as standard, that might be an option. If i had the 2 yokes side by side i'd be able to accurately measure them at work on a CMM, but buying them on the off chance isnt really an option. Next time im in my local dealers i'll see what they think.

  7. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    @ SawToot: you are referring to the trials mode in Moto Racer 3, and while it was 3d, scripted moves (total absence of physics) made it very dull compared to the detailed physics engine that keeps getting better and better with each Redlynx Trials games of which Trials HD is the 7th.

    Ahh yes Motoracer, i for one (being a 28yr old hardcore gamer) am well into realism so much prefer the more realistic games, the trials in Motoracer was good because it had real looking bikes and tracks without the over the top air and arcade feel and the fact that it was very 3D offering twisting tracks with tight turns kept me entertained for a long time. That said i'm sure the RedLynx game will do very well and top marks for going for a very hard genre to catch in game form.

    A quick pick of Motoracers trials offering for reference...



    For me, the ultimate trials game would be on the latest generation consoles complete with realistic sound and graphics and very much like Motoracers offering but with licensed bikes, sponsors and real life tracks, with yearly downloadable content offering the previous years tracks and courses. The way i see it the target market is trials/motocross riders, and they are the exact people who would relish in realism. The kind of people who wont notice the lack of realism are people would tire of the game very quickly anyway. (all my opinion of course)

  8. That's what I've been told. This is my first ever trials bike. I bought it as an '03 and then people started noticing it had '04 plastic. I think '03's were gray/yellow? I like the red better.

    Seems to be, my '03 came with the yellow and gray, was 'ok' but the '04 red is nice and bright, really brightens it up.

  9. Following on from 'FatBars on Rev3' i'm wondering if the top yoke from an EVO will fit the forks from a Rev3? Can't find an email address for Paioli and without actually buying one and trying it i'm not sure of the sizes.

    All i could find on the Paioli website was basic fork specs....

    CONV. 38 REV 3

    Trial fork


    -Tube diameter: 38 mm

    -Total length: 760 mm

    -Stroke: 170 mm

    -Other tube: chill cast of alloy

    -Upper bracket: chill cast in primary aluminium alloy,

    painted silver

    -Lower bracket: heat forged in aluminium alloy,

    anodised silver

    -Sliding: on double DU cam

    (1 on the sleeve and one on the tube)

    -Regulations: in compression, extension and

    spring pre-load

    -Internal operation: mixed. The right "Z" outer tube

    contains a cartridge, with all components machined

    from solid aluminium, while the left leg contains

  10. Saw a 2003 Rev 3 in my local bike shop with very similar adapters fitted with FatBars, install looks ok, if not a little 'busy' and the geometry felt ok too.

  11. Hi James, I dont know the number but Pete will probably mail you it this evening if he looks on here. Just to let you know Top Farm is good when its dry and near impossible when wet so keep an eye on the forecast and previous days rain before you make plans.

    Good info, we're local anyway (Stroud) so can keep an eye on the weather :thumbup:

  12. I just picked up a set of these ProTaper universal clamps to run the fatbars. I was going to go with the S3 clamps, but these list for only $39.95 and can be had for even less. If you don't mind the rise these are the cheapest way I've seen to switch to fatbars.


    Funny you should come up with those, i saw a set yesterday on dirtbikeexpress! That might be what i'll do.

  13. Check your coil, CDI and kill switch wiring for a loose connection, failing that your stator could be on its way out. Also worth trimming the end of your HT lead a little on the spark plug end.

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