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O4 Sy 250


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hi i am thinking ov buyin a new bike i have just been to the shop and i was lookin at a sy 250 i am currently ridding a montesa 03 i am lookin for a bike the will keep runnin what ever i ask it to do that is why i went for a montesa last year should i swap to scorpa and is there anything i should no about them b4 hand?


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Should you buy one? What sort of question is that? Of course you should buy one!! I've done had do very little in the way of maintenance on mine. Only real job I've had to do was removing the carb to clean it. Go and spend yer two's and one's and buy one today.


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Great bike, lovely engine, bullet proof, soft power with a powerful top-end. Very pleased with mine and enjoy riding it.

I rode Mont and then Beta and found the change from an alloy frame a bit of a culture shock - but only when looking at the bike in the workshop - splatter on welds on the Scorpa frame was something I had forgotten about. However, quality of components is just as good (actually a lot of them are the same anyway) as all the other bikes and I have had no problems with mine.

I like the power delivery of the Yam engine, grips well in our muddy conditions down here, but flies when you get beyond half throttle.

Working on the bike is a tad awkward as space around the engine is somewhat limited. According to Billy T you can get the carb out without taking the airbox off, but its still a tank off job (albeit only two screws).

As always, ride someone elses bike, it matters far more how you 'feel' on the bike, and if it suits you, rather than if bike x is better than bike y.

Hope this helps.... ;)

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Agree with Enrico. The bike is a REAL pain to work on. I got the carb out without removing the airbox. I had to move it back a few cm's to get it back in. Its a pain to take the tank off just to change the plug too. Side stand is crap, its made out of plastercine or something similliar, or the mount is at least! My chain tensioner seems to take a real bashing, also had to replace a flywheel cover too. Lets not forget about the water pump gaurd thats been talked about here as well.

Don't let any of this put you off though. Its a real dream to ride and it is totally "clubman-friendly". A rider reffered to mine as Mr Grippy! Great power delivery, and the bike looks the sexiest of all of them!!

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So, exactly how often do you guys take your carb off? You talk like it is a daily occurance, as painful as you make it sound.

I'm on my 3rd Scorpa and have never had my carb off. I guess one could state that 4th gear was hard to get out of the transmission as well. ;)

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