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Blah, Blah, Blah!


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Well you can tell from the massive responses that THIS forum has really taken off since Andy gave Mich a vasectomy! Or, nipped the one "nut' as they say! That SUCKS!

Ringo has certainly not managed to fill his shoes with bits of brilliance thus far!

So here goes,

Hey Ringo, you SUCK!

The NATC SUCKS, specially RON!

Anything that is not built by Sherco pretty much SUCKS!

4T's SUCK! Except for Sherco's! The riders just cannot start them because, well, you know!

Hello Andy! You are too slow in getting this website fixed! AGAIN! You SUCK!

Alan, are you there? Why are you not going to TTC? You SUCK!

That should pretty much do it for now, things should be back to normal in notime! :lol:

In fixing a typo, I just realized that Andy let the topics back on the front page! That SUCKS! I'm going to catch hell now! HA!

Edited by copemech
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British humor would be "Me Hoover sooks as well".

I guess most would rather not talk at all as opposed to discussing something. Most seem to get angry and resort to the same old tired scripts.

Blah blah blah, my pacie is in my other man bag.

No Lane= ............and here we have a recipie for a nice pie.

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We can't very well have Lane endlessly blaming the poor hard working NATC for the fact that Yanks can't (or won't) cut the mustard on the world scene. I am not convinced that it's they who are holding back our collective success as world class trials riders. Yes they could have done more to promote our success on the world stage, but Wiltz has been called a visionary for a good reason.

Unless you were there at the time you can't fully appreciate the effect that "professional" trials teams had on the championship. What Lane has said many times is how the big factories spent money on trials thus creating this pressure to perform. This is TRUE! Every snot nosed screwball with a trials bike wanted to become a factory superstar, including me! Wiltz was there (as was Lane) when I was trying to ride nationals with a broken leg that was darn near gangrenous, in order to attract the mythical factory sponsorship. I think Wiltz could see the folly in this cruel system that may have rewarded such insane behaviour. Wiltz was there and the kind human side of him convinced me to go HOME! Mind you my leg was purple and green and had a hinge where there isn't supposed to be a hinge and I was trying to ride nationals! I think Wiltz saw this pressure as counterproductive to the common good of American Trials riders. So what if we don't win any big championships abroad? I applaud the decisions those guys made way back then, and although Lane makes some good points I think he is missing the big picture in many ways.

He knows the formula for success at world trials, and therefore should be minding someone to succeed at that level on a personal basis. His success at teaching trials surpassed his skills at riding trials. He can't just shut that off, but he is expecting the rest of American Trials riders to jump on his bandwagon. What he isn't telling us is the cost in human suffering that goes with that olympic like level of dedication.

With that in mind, I am thankful that the professional trials teams have for the most part faded into oblivion here in America. Wiltz, my hat is off to you sir. I still say you were right.

Edited by JayLael
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Very informative, it certainly explains the NATC's vision. Which I agree is a good one.

As good as Loretta Lynns is to motocross, a springboard to the level of national caliber rider. Only a few survive. Only a few can make it in that kind of pressure. Jeff Emig was interviewing Eric Sorby at Daytona, Sorby told him he had practiced all week with Bubba. Five 20 minute motos per day PLUS, cycling, weights and such. Not everyone wants to be champion bad enough to do that. But if someone does, should we support a system that would allow them to reach their potential?

It sounds like the NATC has perfected the first step to building tomorrows champions. Lets continue to support their efforts and imagine the steps we could take to make our riders the envy of other countries. We have the tallent, we have a training camp, It doesn't seem as though there's far to go.

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All I can say is that I never anticipated any sort of intelligent response. Good job Jay!

On a positive note, I have noticed that clubs have started actually doing something to provide TDN support! Not just one trial! This is a positive step in support of the team and I hope it continues.


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Thanks for the kind words gentlemen. I have aspired for some time to be a writer of sorts, especially since my skills as a rider seem to be slipping very badly as I am approaching 50 years of age. I must say I will miss Lane's irritating comments. They don't call him Eddie Haskell for nothing. (Google it)

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Hey Copenhagen,


I have an excuse, I'm amidst closing escrow on an auto performance shop that I'm going to add motorcycles accesories to so that I can suffer a slow painful death just like every other motorcycle shop out there. I just popped on for the first time in about three weeks, just in time to get your love note.

I'm back to work but I'll be back here soon when I have time to properly respond to your insignificant ramblings. Good Lord, anyone can sit there and type in "you suck". Why don't you get a little creative, like Jay, and put some actual thought into your post.

If you're going to dis someone do it properly you yellow bellied, white trash living, dumpster diving, wishing you had enough money to pay the parking meter while you take other people's clothes out of the laundry so you can wash your sh(t for free, posing as a girl scout selling empty cookie boxes to little old ladies and snatching their social security checks from their purse while their head is turned to look at your feble attempt to distract them by having your boyfriend scream rape across the street.

Edited by ringo
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Hey Copenhagen,


If you're going to dis someone do it properly you yellow bellied, white trash living, dumpster diving, wishing you had enough money to pay the parking meter while you take other people's clothes out of the laundry so you can wash your sh(t for free, posing as a girl scout selling empty cookie boxes to little old ladies and snatching their social security checks from their purse while their head is turned to look at your feble attempt to distract them by having your boyfriend scream rape across the street.

Gee, what can I say? Welcome back Bingo. Heidy sez hi.

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I told you everything would get back to normal soon! I was beginning to worry!

Come back Johnny, come back! :shutup:

It is just that my typing finger gets really tired before I can lay down that much crap! :D

Does your knee still hurt? Much!!! :rotfl::thumbup:

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