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Andy only does half a lap and then legs it to the hospitality suite, he won't shift from there <_<

Hospitality suite? Try sweatshop. Craig, I've just found Pat and passed on your congrats.

In other news, Tsoyushi Ogawa came off the top of the large concrete indoor section and has been removed by ambulance. Hopefully it's not serious.

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Section 5 on the second loop, Gomez and Patrick both took fives, whereas the first loop the section posed no problem. Did something odd happen to those two?

And wow, if not for that what looks like a silly five, Patrick would've had a seriously low 1 point loop. The break-down is outstanding. .33 dabs per section for the winner.

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Section 5 on the second loop, Gomez and Patrick both took fives, whereas the first loop the section posed no problem. Did something odd happen to those two?

And wow, if not for that what looks like a silly five, Patrick would've had a seriously low 1 point loop. The break-down is outstanding. .33 dabs per section for the winner.

Yup, Pat done the stuff we knew he was capable of. Top marks also go to the guys back in the US for getting behind him and giving him the chance on the world stage. The boy has done you all proud <_<

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Section 5 on the second loop, Gomez and Patrick both took fives, whereas the first loop the section posed no problem. Did something odd happen to those two?

And wow, if not for that what looks like a silly five, Patrick would've had a seriously low 1 point loop. The break-down is outstanding. .33 dabs per section for the winner.

the observing was very harsh in places, it was this that made the fives.

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Just been pondering today on how Pat's ride is such a momentus acheivement! I have never had the pleasure of meeting him in person yet, but I can only guess from knowing his Dad, plus knowing Ryan Young, that this young man has had some excellent guidance. I got to thinking though, that a kid with his talent doesn't come along from our side of the pond very often. Most of today's young lads barely know who Bernie Schrieber was! I just think that for Pat to go across and ride his very first time in Europe and have this kind of success is mind bogling! I beleive that all of us in North America need to support him, rider's, importer's(whatever brand they sell), and if there were ever an opportunity for a wealthy business man to step and and complete this young man's dream of being world champ, the time is NOW!!!!

Any of us who have had even limited success in regional and National championships have at one time or another dreamed of going to Europe to compete, and then having this opportuntity to be the best in the world. Sadly, because of our geography, it makes it even tougher. All the elements of what make a world champ have to fall into place. For Pat to be so young and so good, and be from the US, well, the time is now! It can only be good for the sport here for him to do well and help pave the way for many more good young rider's from over here to make the leap into the upper level of this sport. It is painfully obvious to me after seeing his results that we need to do whatever we can to help him out. He is riding BIG, so lets try and match his intesity and skill with our efforts. Craig, you have been the key media guy for Pat, lets get the ball rolling even more than it has already and seize this opportunity!

cheers, Steve

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