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Dudley Mcc Trial Cancelled-5th Oct


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To be honest me and Clarkey would have come to more of these and probably this one if we had known it was on, cant see it on TC advertised and its not on the Mid Centre site either? expect its only in the TMX which not everyone buys, if you want more entries advertise them on here and Centre site its free. Far to many clubs seem to keep their Trials a secret almost? then wonder why entries are low.

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Yes Guys I totally agree, BUT........................... as a Midland Centre Champ Rd, and ALL you ACU LICENCED/CLUB MEMBER riders ????!!!!! are issued with an annual list of meetings. so unless you are a PAYED up member there should be NO excuses.

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Its a real shame when Trials have to be cancelled whatever the reason, lack of entries surely means more than likely that the event wasnt advertised enough, I like many dont buy the TMX so the usual way of knowing Trials are on are from TC/ clubs own sites and and centre sites. It costs nothing to advertise an event like this and even a short post on here will create more interest and jog peoples memories that the event is on. I dont think giving a little book out at the beginning of the year ensures full houses at the events in it and certainly wont bring in out side centre riders. Most of our lot like to travel about and go to lots of centres in the year, the Trials we do are well advertised on here or club sites, it works

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mind you, knowing me its probably under a pile of papers somewhere...DOH!

Exactly Stu, like many people including myself. Your centre may not issue an event booklet so you may not have received one. I think the Centre issues them or club not the ACU itself (might be wrong) I lost the book months ago, put it safe I expect and will turn up sometime in 2011 no doubt. Scorpa3 on here pretty much always lets people know when theres a SuA Trial on in advance, even though I,m a member of his club I would never know a Trial was on unless he reminded me.

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The Dudley club never promote their trials on the net as I'd suggest that the organisers, mother father and son and who are very hard working people, may not have access to it. Last time I sopke to them they didn't have email.

That is no criticism and is their affair. Not everyone in the world has or wants internet. This has never been a problem and their trials have always been well supported, especially at this venue. However, if anyone would care to check the Midland Centre ACU website they will find that the calendar on there shows that Dudley have an event on October 5th.

A more likely reason for lack of entries was that the trial was pre-entry and had a closing date as it was a centre championship round. All other Dudley trials have been enter on the day, so either riders didn't take notice of the fact that it was pre-entry and will just be turning up as usual this morning to ride, or they just didn't want to ride. Enough riders would have known that this event was on to make it viable, it's been on the midland centre calender all year, although I also know of about 10 riders who would normally have ridden it but may well be at a national event elsewher today.

You can slag TMX all you like but many riders buy it and the trial has been in there for weeks. It's still the main focal point for 'what's on' regs for events nationally. Lack of publicity on the internet has nothing to do with this trial being cancelled. Makes you wonder how anyone ever got to a trial pre-internet....

Dudley isn't my club but I can see that this post may well head in the usual direction of people jumping on the bandwagon and criticising them for the way they run and publicise their events. Knowing the family involved that would be totally unjustified and out of order.

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If it sounds like I was having a go at the Club then I apologise, I was responding to Jams posts implying that riders couldnt be a***d to turn up to Mid Centre Trials, may be the way my computer is set up but I cant see the Trial on the Mid Centre Site?

Yes not everyone has the internet nor wants it but a Club/Company etc is seriously limiting their advertising without it these days and you simply have to move on with the times, long gone are the days of hoping for a full house at events especially these days, promotion of events on the net is free and easy to do and maximises event exposure.

Dont think I slagged the TMX either, I just dont buy it as many like me dont as the internet does in many cases and should be a source of Trials events listings, yes I used to buy the TMX before the internet but that was the only way of finding out, these days it isnt. Ive rode Dudley Trials before and as you say they are well run and good venues run by hard working people, I didnt ever say anything different.

Not sure what a certain Centre is like these days near to us but it was pretty much a closed shop re events years ago, very little events ever advertised even in the TMX or anywhere else, you had to join one of the Centre clubs then be sent the fixture book with the Trials in? missed out on any outside centre riders big time I should think. If I want to sell any of my products from my Business I make sure as many people know about them as possible, the net is a free way of doing this and gets to more people than any other medium these days and isnt limited to space/per word costs. Jam and Woody, next time you know theres a Dudley or Mid Centre Trial on, as TC members let everyone know on here and the Club wont have to get on the net if they dont want too.

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