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Clearing Out An Exhaust


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  • 6 months later...

If you covered the exhaust in a wet fire blanket and kept watering it down wouldn't that stop the case getting too hot?

Or would it just reduce the cleaning/burning effect inside the box?

It is it worth a go? :moon:

Also, I assume there is no packing material in a Sherco box?

Best of balance.


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If you covered the exhaust in a wet fire blanket and kept watering it down wouldn't that stop the case getting too hot?

Or would it just reduce the cleaning/burning effect inside the box?

It is it worth a go? :moon:

Also, I assume there is no packing material in a Sherco box?

Best of balance.


Yes, there is packing. A metallic(steel wool) in the front and glass in the rear as I recall.

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Hi All,

I had a great time with the jet engine today :o ...But after filling with petrol, soaking and lighting I was disappointed how the pipe would not burn long enough to get really hot. So I moved to plan B.....I got a propane torch and heated up the intake then blew air in from that end. Then my son got another propane torch an lit the smoke coming out of the end pie. A minuet later the whole thing was glowing all the way inside :P .

We kept the outside of box cool and safe-ish by supporting it in wet sand with a wet cloth covering the top side. And kept the cloth wet while working so there was minimal sut on the outside of the box too....Most of the mini holes inside look clear now and I swear it weighs at least a Kilogram lighter.

I'll let you know how it's running later this week.

Best of balance.


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  • 2 weeks later...

By the way.....I cleaned up the Silencer box using common kitchen wire wool scouring pads (wet)....Brillo Pads they were called in the UK.

The process was quick and easy and the results are impressive ;-)

Oh and forgot to mention that I did the Jet Engine bit both belly side down and belly side up. But I reckon Belly side up (upside down to normal mounting) was the most effective gunk reducer.....as heat rises the gunk falls into the line of fire...literally :rotfl:

Best of balance.


Edited by Neo
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