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Fantic K-roo Flywheel Stuck


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hi people my mates got a fantic k-roo 1993 212cc,we have just rebuilt the engine today.started it up and it sounded like the points needed a little adjustment so we go the flywheel pully on it and removed it no problem,done the adjustement to the pointsand put the flywheel back on but i noticed he started the bike up without tightning the flywheel nut up,the points were still not right so we put the pully back on and now it wont budge and its bent the pully,any ideas to whats happened?thanks james

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Do K roos have points ?

no, no points on fantic since 1978. The stator is moved to adjust the timing. If you started the bike without tightening the crank nut , in the best case you ahve sheared the woodruf key. in the worst cast you have destroyed the crankshaft. Dont use two arm pullers as the yre sheiyt. get a puller from someone like steve goode. Its a later type he will know which one. Then look for the sheared key. The bit remaining in the crank slot will be stuck as it cold formed prior to shearing. DONT USE A HAMMER. Try heating with a hot air gun and use a SHARP centre punch to move it out the slot. if this doesnt work, i suggest you go to an engineering shop and let them remove it. Hammering the end of crankshafts is not to be done without thinking.

If the crank has cracked around the slot...you need a new one.


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