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Another Fantic


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Just bought myself a 240,needs a bit of work but not much,haven't even fired it up yet!



Never owned a trials bike,or even ridden one,but since my family was a Broncco dealer when I was a youngun' I always knew It'd have to be a Fantic if I got a trialler!

Dad ended up taking a job as a service rep for Fiat,he was one the road alot so us kids rode the inventory to death,mine was an Apache 100,loved it in spite of what Super Hunky said about them.

looking forward to learning trials riding,I'm too old to do the modern thing but twinshocks should be just up my alley!

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this weekends lancs county normandale trial demonstrates how popular with about a dozen of the things lighting up the entry list ( me i chickened and the beta is getting a run out and the sunday at bootle)

hope the weather holds as the sun is shining and the skies are blue..

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Are the fantics still reasonably priced in the US.

Here in the uk they are just starting to fetch silly money,But you picked the right bike to go twinshocking.

Good luck old chap,tally ho! ;)

Well,$700 bucks ain't real cheap for a bike that's been "enjoyed" as much as this one has(scraped and scuffed all over,chipped fins on cylinder and head)I'm thinkin' twinshock Fantics are pretty rare so the price of each one is what the seller wants and what the buyer is willing to pay whenever one comes up for sale.Air monos seem to come up on craigslist pretty regularly if you search nationwide with something like the Jaxed.com mash Fantic search (searches craigslist and ebay but doesn't allways catch every listing)

don't try to search for "SWM" on craigslist...

BTW,went to all four gas stations in my podunk town,none had premium fuel,have to wait until tomorrow to get something with enough octane before I can mix up some fuel to try to fire up da Fanny ;)

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Fired right up!

puttered around the driveway,up over a small stone wall,up a small bank at the side of my drive,couple of tight turns,I'm damn excited!

shifts ok,clutch works,a little sputtery on bottom,but couldn't really clean it out as I live right downtown in my small town(I can see the courthouse from my front porch)

rear brake is strong,front a bit mushy(I did hold the brake lever as I tightened the front axle)

As you can see by my second picture above I might be used to a bit more poop from my motors,440 AW Maico,last Modern dirtbike I had was a 380 EXC KTM.

Question-Are the Domino levers malleable enough to bend the clutch lever out a bit? It strikes the bar at an angle that restricts the amount it can pull the cable,if I tweaked the lever out some by bending it in the middle(more as a Magura powerpull) so that it met the bar parallel to the grip I might have better clutch release without drag.

Ordered a new throttle with the white tube so I can have a shorter turn to wide open,my right wrist barely has 90 degrees of total motion so I need a quick turn throttle.

Need to fab a chain tensioner block,one side is worn completely off(should I substitute a more modern design?recommendations?)

It doesn't have any kill button at all,will need to figure out where to connect one(do I need a two wire or just a single?)

gots no skidplate either,might have a piece of aluminum to make one with though.

I'll take it out somewhere this coming weekend and hopefully get some real riding in!(as much as I can with the totally knackered tires)

Edited by htrdoug
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Quick action throtle may not be such a good idea ,but it depends what you are going to do with the bike ,its up to you after all ,but for fine control at low speed the slow throttle is more precise.

But as i said its your bike do what you want.

Looks like you pay a lot less for fantics than we do . ;)

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Way back when I was still in high school I high sided a Suzuki T500,along with life threatening internal injuries I shattered my right wrist in five places,I haven't had full motion of it since.If I have a slow turn throttle then I have to raise and lower my elbow to get full travel,I've adapted to it so it's normal for me.I usually install a Motion-Pro throttle on my dirt bikes designed for 44mm Mikuni carbs,when hooked up to a 38mm carb it ends up with about 70 degrees of rotation, The throttle tube was already broken on the fantic so I ordered a quickturn one to replace it(but not until I compared it to the Motion-Pro spare I have just to see if it would hook up,would've been about a 45 degree turn on that little carb,luckily the throttle cable was incompatable!) If I don't end up with the control I need then I'll just order the slow turn,they're pretty cheap.

I'm sure by the time I'm done with it I won't be able to say I've got less money in it than anyone else's ;);)

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everybody, well those I know, use slow throttle here. fix the sputtering fist. The carby is probably cause.L

As soon as I ride it more than five minutes I'll determine what the sputtering needs(it seemed only minor),I want to fix the chain tensioner before it throws the chain off and put on some tires that don't have split sidewalls(ordered some dunlops)

I'm sure I'll spend lots of money doing the wrong things,but it'll be experience well paid for,usually the best kind ;)

Found a couple of pieces of aluminum in the garage to make a skid plate with,should I make a thin one(2mm) or a thick one(6mm) I have both,thin would be much easier to mold and cut and much lighter. I likely won't be doing splatters onto rocks anytime soon(If Ever ;) )

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The standard skid plate was plastic so the 2 mm will prob do the job ,

Only a silly suggestion but have you thought of putting the trottle on the left hand bar and the clutch on the right. now that would be fum swopping bikes.

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The standard skid plate was plastic so the 2 mm will prob do the job ,

Only a silly suggestion but have you thought of putting the trottle on the left hand bar and the clutch on the right. now that would be fum swopping bikes.

Why stop with just swapping the throttle and clutch?

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Got out for a ride today,went to a local orv park where some buddies of mine were riding.Really like the power delivery,ran well,suspension worked well hopping ruts and logs,but spun the rear tire on the rim in the first ten minutes of riding :guinness: it had 6psi but I hadn't really inspected it properly since it's crap,splits in sidewall and very worn out.I stopped and looked at it once it started squirming around and saw where the rim lock was on the wrong side of the bead :lol: oh well,loaded up and went home,found a patchable tube in an old street bike tire and will give it a go again tomorrow after work.Got the maico fired up and fixed a small issue with the chain fouling the right side shock and I'll ride 'em both tomorrow :lol: (Got some Dunlops on order for the Fantic)

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