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Rev-3 250 Vs 270...


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I'm Contemplating my next machine, possibly next year before the four-strokes arrive. Looking for some thoughts on the 250 vs the 270, & which might be better under different circumstances...

Currently I ride an 04 rev-3 250 which ihas worked quite well for me this year. The only problem, is that some times I feel the power comes on a tad soft off the bottom when going to zap or do a move fairly quickly and aggressively. I'd like to try the v-force 3 reed kit, although that probably won't do much for the low end of my 250, just smooth it out (it's pretty smooth right now though...). I have given some thought to changing gearing, but I'm afraid of rendering 1st gear unusable, and wondering what will happen to 2nd, & 3rd for section work.

There are a lot of things I like really like about my 250 for sure, it runs like a moto-crosser, it winds up very quickly, and I feel the power is completly usable right until I wind it to the stop. Most of my clubmates ride 270's, but we have very different riding styles. I'm probably less smooth overall, and prefer to flick the bike & hop around more. I tend to ride my motobike a bit more like a bicycle trials rider, as that's where my background in trials is. Not sure if the extra oomph of the 270 would be more usable there, or just get mysef in trouble. I've swung a leg over my clubmates 270's for extremely brief moments, but it's hard to truly evaluate a friends bike thorougly for fear of scratching it. The 270's sure do have a nice bark :(

My biggest questions with the 270 surround weather it be too much motor to handle once fatigue sets in, and also will the extra 20cc's be more helpful or a hindrance given my riding style. Fatigue is always an enemy for me, and at least on the 250 I feel like I can really control the power even as I begin to tire out, but do I really want another 20cc's of bike when my arms and hands are getting tired? Also, I'm a pretty small rider at 165 ish lbs, 5'6". The 250 has more than enough general power for me, it's really just the low-end off the bottom that I feel is lacking. I've heard some people comment that they prefer the bigger engine because it can actually be a little more calm/tame when chugging up hills, etc., but wondering how much extra of a handfull it will be over the 250 when trying bolder moves which require a a bit more precision, aggression, and timing..

Anyway, just some thoughts I'm having. Any of you out there have any thoughts on the differences between these two motors, their preformance under an intermediate/advanced level club rider?



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We all ride the 270 due to the altitude that we are at. 6000+ I rode a 250 a couple of years ago and really liked the quickness where the 270 seems stronger ,but is actually slower. by the way which throttle are you using? The stock black tube or the white tube?

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I'm running the aluminum tube fast throttle. I can't use the slow throttle because I have very limited wrist movement in both my wrists bending backwards. I've been going to therapy to try to increase my flexibility, but the doctors have told me that's just the way my wrists are.

I've tried the slow throttle before on my former bike, an 01 montesa. That really just didn't work, every move I tried to do I ended up being 'late' because the bike just didn't react when i wanted it to, probably because I just couldn't turn my wrist far enough in an expedient fashion. I don't have these problems on the beta w/ the aluminum throttle tube.

The betas are definitely faster revving machines, I may consider trying the slow throttle on my bike just for ha ha's to see if it's any different than my previous experiences.

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The 250 is a great bike and I cant believe it is not feeling powerfull enough for you.

With that being said buy a 270. I just took delivery of my 6th one. Thats how much I like them.

Our dealer sells over 30 REVs a year and wont even stock the 250 anymore.If you want one he will get it but everyone rides 270s around here.


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Yes, the 250 is a GREAT bike for sure. I'm just having an issue w/ the low end right off the bottom. I don't think anyone would argue that the 250 is capable of everything the 270 is with the right rider abord (and that's not me for sure!)

Here's an article which reviews all the 05 betas, It's the most thorough article I've read thus far.


The author does confirm some of my concerns about the 270 really being suited to more of an expert level rider (to take advantage of it's full capability). Sounds like a lot of riders buy the 270 and then just ride it a gear higher to 'chug' through most things. I'm not sure that style of riding is for me. I want to be able to fully use the power in the right gear, but I'm fearful that the extra power of the 270 will make me tire out more quickly.

I may be more inclined to experiment with gearing, reeds, etc. on the 250.

Just out of curiosity, has anyone ever tried removing the flywheel off their 250? What was the result?

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Rob wrote, "The 270's sure do have a nice bark"

That's no kidding... at a club trial this past weekend a dealer had an '05 270 in the paddock. He fired it up while it was parked in between two cargo trailers where I couldn't see it - I thought someone was firing an automatic rifle! Scared the #@$%& out of me for a sec... POP, pop, POP POP POP! you get the idea, very loud, very powerful sounding.

I test rode it a while later, VERY smooth down low, super plush boingers front and back. What did surprise me is that it turns BETTER than my '03 250! This new machine is a must-have in my book.

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I don't think the 270 will work you over any more or less than the 250. In some sections the 250 will be a better weapon and in others the 270 will fit the bill perfectly. However, you'll have a more complete arsenal with the 270. 20cc isn't going to make that much of an additional physical demand on you.

I think once you've ridden it on about three outings you won't remember what your old mount was like - that is to say, you will get used to the new machine and adjust your style for it just like you did when you got the machine you have now.

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The 250 is far more popular than the 270 'round these parts. No idea why.

The previous owner of my 270 had removed the flywheel weight, advanced the timing and and installed a quick action throttle :D It was fun to ride with that setup but potentially lethal :(

Anyway, after putting everything back to factory spec and setting the carb up with a 35 pilot jet and using BillyT's float height and clarkp's vent pipe mods, it now pulls like a tractor in all gears but still with enough snap to splat up the side of a cliff if required. No doubt about it, my next bike will be another Beta 270.

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Hi Clark, Yes that was me with the new 05 270 last weekend. I installed a set of V-Force reeds last night & left the reed spacer in, did the carb mods.

SMOOOOOTH in the drive. Can't wait to practice with it to see how really works. Will also try it without the spacer.

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  • 2 months later...

Well I thought I would add a final reply to this topic, as I have just ridden my new 05 Beta 270 at Motoramma this past weekend in Harrisburg, PA (usa). All I can say is WOW.. The 270 works really well for me. Everything felt easier. I can't believe I was worried about the power delivery, or that the extra 20cc might wear me out that much faster. It's not even broken in yet, and I can't believe how well the motor feels. The characterisitc of the power delivery provided by the extra low-end grunt of the larger displacement motor really makes a difference... much smoother & more controlable power delivery. Not as peaky as the 04 250. The bike now has the snort off the bottom that I was looking for, and of course, all I could ever hope to use from mid-range on up :(

Two other comments/observations about the 05 vs. 04...

The suspension... Just when I thought for sure I had ridden the bike in 04 regarding the boingers, the 05 is actually BETTER.. My 04 250 felt as good after 1 year as the day I rode it new. The 05 suspension is even more progressive. Landing from a large obstacle surprised me at how couchy the suspension responded to the drop. Almost as good as a modern day 'freeride' bicycle, which is made for hucking off large drops. Very impressive

The new brakes ... Well, probably not fair to comment fully regarding the feel/action after 1 day of use in competition. At first they were not grabbing because they needed to break in. After I burned them in a bit, and felt comfortable with using them in a section, they appeared to work at least as good as the 04 stoppers. The one problem i forsee is with the new Beta designed perches. They have a very small contact area w/ the bar, and mine were tightened VERY tight with both alen screws (both throttle & clutch side), and they would still rotate around the bar after a ride through a section. Not sure what I need to do here, if anyone has any suggestions, I'm listhening. (plumbers tape under the perch?).

Lastly, Throttle... My 04 250 I used the fast aluminum throttle. I decided not to put the aluminum fast throttle on the 270 yet, because I figured I already had enough new things to contend with at this trials (new bike, never rode indoor sections before, hadn't ridden all winter...). I actually have to say that I liked the action of the slow throttle! I guess I never really gave the slow throttle a chance on my 04 250, I just went with the fast throttle because I hated the black throttle tube on my 01 montesa (previous to the 04). Everything I did on that bike with the slow throttle was making me 'late' with my response. Betas in general do rev more freely, but I wasn't sure how much I was going to like it, and was prepared to swap for the fast throttle if I didn't think the bike was going to react the way I had expected. NO PROBLEMO! That black throttle tube is still very responsive, and offered that much more control. I suppose the best combination would be to take the slow throttle and modify it slightly so the barrel is snail shapped for ha ha's, but for now I'm leaving the slow as is. (btw, the betas in the usa do not have added flyweel weights, just an fyi)

So the verdict is: 270 baby! I encourage anyone who is riding a 250 to swing a leg over a new 270 if the opportunity presents itself, you won't be dissapointed.

Thanks to all for your input and helpful advice.


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