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Well, Kilkennys Closed Then....


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What a shame after Its been used for at least 35 years to my knowledge and more like 50 plus years.(with a good relationship with the council and the local warden as long as no one rides in the car park area due to wild orchids growing there ) Pit bikes stolen bikes and the tossers that ride them...... know what i would do with them. How many times do you have to tell people not to ride in the car park ?????? ****ers I will miss riding there as will many others even Mr Saunders practiced up there back in the day it is that good. Aggs next i guess ?? at least up there one of them might kill themselves with a bit of luck as i said ****ERS

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Such a shame your Venue has closed, B*****D motocrossers have to ruin it for everyone, i remember a place i used to ride at which at first was just a nice calm place until motocrossers came & ruined it for everyone, i didn't know about this until when i was riding at the place once & the police came, they said if i did it again they will take my bike off me, because of idiots on crossers ripping up & down & people complaining, so annoying


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Another nail in the coffin of trials then?.It is very difficult not to blame wa**ers ( please don't read this as walkers although they do thier share to shut us down). It seems that all most of us want is somewhere like kilkeney to go and have a quite ride ; trial folk are by and large quiet and decent citizens who go to work and pay thier taxes. This can be viewed as partly to blame for our lack of "facilities"..(united we stand divided we fall). I sometimes wonder why we can't be left alone and then I realise that control /legislation and the implementation of it is one of the biggest "industries" we have in our society (closely followed by insurance liability and litigation), it seems at times that the ACU is little more than an agent/enforcer of conditions for insurance companies. Why don't they earn that tenner we all pay them ? I have heard said. Personally like many trials riders I have come to the conclusion that Anarchy rules. However I have been in the situation of paying my taxes to employ a warden to prevent me from using a bit of "waste" ground before... it's not good for the blood pressure! Very bad news indeed.

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What a shame after Its been used for at least 35 years to my knowledge and more like 50 plus years.(with a good relationship with the council and the local warden as long as no one rides in the car park area due to wild orchids growing there ) Pit bikes stolen bikes and the tossers that ride them...... know what i would do with them. How many times do you have to tell people not to ride in the car park ?????? ****ers I will miss riding there as will many others even Mr Saunders practiced up there back in the day it is that good. Aggs next i guess ?? at least up there one of them might kill themselves with a bit of luck as i said ****ERS

I'm amazed no one has been badly injured at Aggs Hill, riders screaming around on mx bikes and no helmets, four wheel drives suddenly appearing over verticle drops; it's a going to happen! We only pass through on on our trail bikes these days, it's not worth the risk.

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The loss of any practice venue is bad news. One thing I've been aware of for a long time is that folk come on here and post looking for practice venues. That's only natural as folk want to ride somewhere and they want to do it legitimately. Trials folk, being friendly people are more than happy to help. What neither party realise is that everything is indexed by Google and all the other search engines out there so anyone, regardless of what they ride, can search online and find places to ride and that contributes to the loss of these venues.

With that in mind, I've created a new forum for UK people to ask these questions and for others to respond which is ONLY viewable and accessible by TC registered members (not Supporters, just being a registered member is sufficient.) I've also set it so it can't be accessed by search engine spiders so anything posted won't appear on any search engine websites.

If people keep requests for places to ride and responses to that forum only then it will go some way to keeping them Trials-only and not accessible to the masses.

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