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Evo 250 Or 290


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I am about to trade in my 06 4rt for a 2 stroke Beta and wondered what bike to go for ? Im still a novice rider and weigh 15.5 stone .I am also considering 09 or new as there are plenty clean 2nd hand ones in the shops.Any views would be welcome.


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I would really try and ride them both. I would normally say the 250 is better for ANY novice rider, but I find the 290 to be pretty smooth and easy to ride. You really need to judge for yourself. Maybe a shop that has both will let you try them in some sections provided your going to buy one.

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Well i persoanly would say go for the 290, because i went from a 125 sherco to a beta evo 290, and i felt that it was so smooth an easy to ride, so it shows that they are not a mad bike. And i have rode many 250's and they just dont seem to have the smoothness as the 290!! Hope this helped!!


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I am a fat old fart and the 290 is just fine, soft and smooth if you have a bit of throttle control.

Would really suggest you take the weight off as this makes the motor respond much better to rider imput on and more importantly off.

Try m sport think they have evos you could try.numbers should be in TMX.

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