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Pinhard Trophy


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The reply by Bikespace is the correct one, the Pinhard Prize can only be won by someone who is NOMINATED. If they are not nominated, they can't win.

I used to be on the judging panel of this award, together with Ralph Venables, Colin Moram (I think), Brian Bonny, a member of the Sunbeam Club and Peter Howdle. Venables used to ensure that the details of the Pinhard Prize was always circulated to the press, but some years ago the secretaryship of the Prize was voluntarily relinquished by the gentleman who had successfully undertaken it for many years, and handed to Allan Robinson.

For obscure reasons, in no time I was off the panel, despite my many years in the sport and journalism and being the only current competitor on the judging panel. And now that Venables has passed away, the Pinhard details don't seem to be circulated any more, or if they are, not to those who are interested. I don't know who makes the judgement now, but it doesn't alter the fact that to win you have to be nominated. Simple as that.

And expecting a trials rider to win is no guarantee. Top road racers, motocrossers, grassers, enduro riders and non-competing clubmen can all win, as long as they are under 21 at the time.

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Sam is a better rider than Alex is some way's, but Alex is younger. The next two years will see if thay are world class, Dougie was'nt that good as a youth rider, but then look what happened. The danger with Alex is that he is to good to young and may burn out, but the wright <a href="http://www.ntsearch.com/search.php?q=people&v=56">people</a> are behind him to stop this happening. Both Sam & Alex can be world class, it's just down to then,if thay want it badly enough  :D thay can get there, it's up to them. :wacko:

How can someone be to good

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The danger with Alex is that he is to good to young and may burn out, but the right people are behind him to stop this happening.

You're absolutely right in him having the right backing. I've been to so many youth Trials where fathers are constantly putting their kids down if they don't perform to their expectations. Some of the stuff I've heard literally disgusts me. Julian is always full of encouragement even if Alexz hasn't ridden a section well. That's what's needed, not "Do you ******* realise how ******** much I spent on that ******* bike?" and "You're ******* useless" type comments.

The danger with Alexz (and our other up and coming riders) is discovering women! :wacko:

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I agree - don't let him discover women. He's got enough money to attract them when he's old and ugly :wacko:

Julian has got his head sewn on straight. I think his sentiment after Simon made an early departure was that money's no good to you when you're gone. He's giving Alexz the best chance he can to be as good as he possibly can, and there's nowt wrong with that.

From what I've seen, Alexz is no brat. I've only once seen a little cockiness, and Julian took him to one side and gave him a short sharp roasting, then back to business.

The boy's spot on in my book.

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As has been said already you have to be nominated and I suggest it was the East Midland Centre that nominated Donna. She hasn't had as good a year as she wanted but she did end up 4th overall in the European Championship and was best britain in the TDN. She always puts in 100% effort and for that I congratulate her on her award.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As being the winner of the Pinhard last year I might put my awe in ....... :)

As it has been said people nominate various people and put together "a campaign" for want of a better phrase to "promote" the case to the panel of judges (who i don't know who they are)

All I can say is the trophy is a *proper* trophy and its the only big trophy I

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