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Not saying anyone has a bad idea here but you are making more out of the problem than need be.

I would not weld anything. Drill , tap , put a threaded sleve in it and a new bolt and then keep your axle tight. Problem will be solved with very little expense and time.

I only say this because I have been through this. I never had a problem after this and that bike is now on to its third owner.


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Had a similar problem, first trial on new Rev 3 12 months ago,chain jumped after snagging sticky out rock, jammed round gearbox sprocket resulting in sheared adjuster bolt.

That,s the third one today smirked the observer. :wall:

Cured this by drilling out holes,tapping M8,and fitting suitable caphead bolts.never a bit of bother since.

Pick up 05 250 next week,any good?

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DABSTER...thanks for that..great idea..and NEXT time I will certainly think about trying to do something different.

AMiller...the only reason I mentioned welding is, to firstly cover up the large hole the bolt has made...THEN my mate will do as you said and put an insert in....thanks for that.,,I think that is certainly the quickest/cheapest fix for me now.

almason........the 05 is amazing in my opinion..(not that my opinion is worth much)...I'm sure you'll love it :wall::P

Thanks again everyone...its great to get so much help/ideas.

WIll post a pic of the final result as soon as I can :P

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I think Scorpa's chain adjuster set-up is very good, instead of relying on one bolt it uses the full strength of the swingarm.I think another solution would be to weld or have welded something similar onto the swingarm. By the way I am not biassed I ride a Rev-3 :angry:



Edited by craftypiggy
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Yeah...thanks Dabster/craftypiggy

The Scorpa, Gas Gas, AND Sherco..ALL have a better/similar system.

THe Beta one really IS pants.

SHame really...ah well,...in the future I will try to get something fabricated like the others..for now, my mate is still gonna re-do the current system.

Pictures of his fix soon! :angry:

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OK..here it is!!..the fix to my swingarm problem.

My mate put a kind of insert in the whole, with a large back on it..(on the inside of the swingarm) and then the same type..(but longer) hex bolt, to go into the insert.

HOPEFULLY the picture/s speak for themselves.

Yippee!..I'm on the road again!!..or should it be off the road? :angry::D


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