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Wow! took place in my first chair event a few weeks ago. Whilst waiting for my chair to be fitted to my Beamish, someone else in the club had fitted one to a TY Pinky. Neither of us had ridden sidecar before and the start was not clever or pretty but the more we rode, the more we improved and at the end I was hooked, so much that I am not sure if I want to ride or go in the chair (which was where I ended up) !!!

The fact that two people now have outfits has resulted in the club having a white route sidecar class for next year where the venue suits it and we hope that more people will come on board...

So a quick question? Wha'ts the scoring? When does the passengers behaviour warrant a 5 (eg if you get out and push!!)

It would be useful to know the current thinking....its a local twin shock and pre-65 club... if that makes any difference ?

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it is in the handbook, but briefly - as solos but, sidecars are always TSR22B (non stop) and if the passenger "foots" (ie any part of body touches anything ie ground, trees, etc). other obvisou stuff like the sidecar wheel can't be driven, the sidecar must comply with the basic shape in the handbook.

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