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Are Trials Riders Getting Ripped Off


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That's a f***in' bargain, gasgas rear mudguard is only half aswell if you think 'bout it!

In moto-x tho theres companies like UFO, Acerbis that make plastics that are cheaper than stock but the same thing, wheras theres no real 'Universal' plastics for trials.

most of the trials bikes plastics are made by acerbis!

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I think you'll find that we can only yet plastic from our bike manufacture...were as MX is more wide spread with brands such as UFO making plastics cheaply.

Trials parts, plastics in anycase, are though the roof with no reason...its a plastic injection mould, with a few classy looking stickers...what do you think the net value of it is? Less then 50p?

I understand they have to make profit, but

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In idle moments I've thought about starting a sideline in replacement trials bike plastics but haven't really pursued it because unless you happen to have an injection moulding machine lying around, the initial outlay is not inconsiderable since moulds need to be manufactured etc. Of course, you only need to do this once (until new models are released!) but in order to make any money you'll need to cover all current models at least and probably those a couple of years old as well. I'm surprised Acerbis, UFO or Polisport haven't cottened on to the trials market yet... I really think there's money to be made here. Even if the price isn't that much less than OEM parts, it's be nice to be able to order green plastics for your Beta or maybe pink for your Sherco if the mood strikes...

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there was talk up here recently of somebody making some cota 4rt rear mudguards, out of the same stuff as washing up bowls so that they were much more pliable and durable.

havent heard anything since, but if they cotton on then there is no reason why not to make guards for all models.

if anyone was likely to do it other than a big company like UFO etc. i would have thought that YOU HAVE USED WORDS OR A PHRASE WHICH ARE NOT PERMITTED ON THIS WEBSITE. PLEASE DELETE YOUR POST/TOPIC. DO NOT TRY TO CIRCUMVENT THE FILTERS IN PLACE ON THIS WEBSITE products would have had a bash, but god only knows how much that would cost, YOU HAVE USED WORDS OR A PHRASE WHICH ARE NOT PERMITTED ON THIS WEBSITE. PLEASE DELETE YOUR POST/TOPIC. DO NOT TRY TO CIRCUMVENT THE FILTERS IN PLACE ON THIS WEBSITE products can carry rather ott prices at times.

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Just a thought.... is the demand for new plastics less for trials bikes than for MX bikes making it less viable to produce pattern parts?

If so, is this due to the number of trials riders who brake their mudguards etc being less..... or is it just because we don't mind riding around with splits, cracks rivetts, and cable ties on our bikes compared to the fashion concious mx world?

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