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Nigran Casuals Report !


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After a solid performance at the weekend, Cota Kid closely followed by our site opwner Andy led the British charge for the most alchohol consumed in a single event. The Europeans were left agasp at the steady rate of pints, bottles, mixers, shorts and anything else that they could lay there hands on as both men drank and drank into the early hours of Sunday morning.

Cota took pole position as he dabbed his way from bar to bar, taking no prisoners along the way!!!!


The rest of the brits followed suit on Sunday evening where celebrations took place on the excellent standard of riding from our junior and senior riders across the whole weekend.

A certain Beta minder, tee total for the weekend, consumed with pride for the success of his man, hit the bottle and made a new spanish friend with a barman called John who did not understand small measures in small glasses!!!

All in all a totally ace weekend, never to be forgotten, excellent weather, excellent riding, great atmosphere and as we all said "THE BRITS DONE GOOD".

Next report Poland 2006.


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That Cota Kid is a bad influence. :beer::beer::):thumbup::thumbup: :thumbup: :beer::beer::beer::beer:

You guys were lucky actually. Behind the building where the indoor section was, I found a pile of "Police Line - Do Not Cross" marker tape. I took a wad of it planning to tape up your bedroom door. Fortunately for you we had no sellotape :(

On another note, I found out some news on Sunday night that is going to devastate r2w - Bou has a girlfriend! Sorry mate, but it's best to find out now before you start making wedding plans :D

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A certain Beta minder, tee total for the weekend, consumed with pride for the success of his man, hit the bottle and made a new spanish friend with a barman called John who did not understand small measures in small glasses!!!

All in all a totally ace weekend, never to be forgotten, excellent weather, excellent riding, great atmosphere and as we all said "THE BRITS DONE GOOD".

Next report Poland 2006.

:beer:  :beer:  :)

Yep indeedy the brits done good especially "our" young browny!

Would the Beta minder in question be a certain Mr Galway? :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

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Well he (Cota Kid) may have sunk a few on Saturday, but after Doug gave him the Podium Champagne I heard a rumour he went to bed at SEVEN!

Respect to Michael Brown though good result Oliveras and Gibert are decent riders with big support.

Seven I stayed up at least two hours after that...and I did share out the champagne. :beer:

It was also a cracking ride by Atom. The others may have a big support but I'd rather have YSB, Big Phil and the Mighty Shaun on my side any day. Not forgetting the trials riders secret weapon.....

Wine Gums.

Edited by Cota Kid
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That Cota Kid is a bad influence.  :beer:  :)  :thumbup:  :thumbup:  :thumbup::beer:  :beer:  :beer:  :beer:  :(

You guys were lucky actually. Behind the building where the indoor section was, I found a pile of "Police Line - Do Not Cross" marker tape. I took a wad of it planning to tape up your bedroom door. Fortunately for you we had no sellotape :(

On another note, I found out some news on Sunday night that is going to devastate r2w - Bou has a girlfriend! Sorry mate, but it's best to find out now before you start making wedding plans :D

Bad influence? Or yes its all coming back. Me holding a gun against your head and forcing you to drink. :D Bottles of Desperado! :beer:

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