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05 250 Pro Forks


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What the title says really , just changed the oil which really i thought was a bit thin but it said 10 and reccommended is 5 sae. They bottom out most of time from drop offs and small drops...which im sure they shouldnt be when the bottom yoke is hitting the mudgaurd (not good i cant afford a new mudgaurd everytime i ride).

What can i do ? Ive been advised to put a few washers ontop of the springs but is this neccessary ?? (cheers How :D)

Played about with the compression screw and rebound screw but they dont make much of a difference even when screwed right in.

Any suggestions ? My 98 was fine and this is an 05 should be a lot better! I only weigh about 11 stone and a half.

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You just need to do it again with 5wt oil. Make sure that both springs are good. (AS not broke or cracked) Gas GAS springs are weak and need replacing more often than people think. Your problem mainly could be correct oil level after reading your past posts.

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It looks like your fluid level might be too low as described in the previous reply.

My mate has an 04 280 with the same (marzochi?) forks and they are absolutely perfect..the best in the business...they work very well with his 11 stone and very well with my 15 stone.

Since you have an 05 I would imagine that they couldn't possibly need springs just yet--- check that oil situation.

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What you need to do is after filling with 5 grade measure the level of the oil in each leg with the spring out and the leg fully compressed, it should be 160 mm from the top see the gasgas manual for detais (the 06 manual has a diagram for both the 06 ally legs and the 05 steel ones).

The best way to measure is with a thin stiff tube attached to a syringe set a stop at 160mm then slightly overfiil the suck back to the required level.

Its best to give the forks a good puming in and out then rechecking the level once any air has escaped.

If they still feel too soft add a little extra oil to each leg, about 20cc this will only effect the last bit of travel as the air volume is reduced making them a bit harder to bottom out.

On my 06 I had bother getting all of the air out of the rebound leg I had to take the cartidge out and fill it with oil separately , this may have been because I had to repair the adjusting rod as it was broken so the fork was completey emty of oil.


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You have obviously had the forks off the bike to change the oil. Check to make sure when you put them back on they are not clamped to far up the yoke. According to jim snell in the U.S. gasgas set them up in the factory because every bike is slightly different. With the forks fully extended(no weight on front wheel) there should be approx 7" between the dust seal and the lower triple clamp to stop it bottoming out.

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Nope you dont need to take the forks off to put the new oil in thats even more of a faf (if its a real word) , we loosened the top yoke and pushed the forks down enough to pour the oil down the top. Obviously we drained the oil.

And btw we just added another 20ccs of oil still going to bottom out when i go over stuff becuase when i bounce around on them they go down as much as they did before.

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I dont use the bolt at the bottom of the forks for draining the oil, this holds the cartridge in place and on some bikes it will not re tighten unless it is held from the inside, often using a special spanner.

You are meant to take the forks out and drain from the top it only takes a few minutes any way.

What you should do is ring Kev at GasGas UK and he will sort you out, we all think we know what we are doing he does know what he is doing, His numbers on the GasGas website.

Its fun learning the hard way isnt it :D

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