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What Kind Of Licence Do I Need?

wonder boy

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Gav - as I said to your sidekick at the weekend, you lads would be far better off getting involved with the Trial and maybe doing a year or two observing or even back-marking before entering. Back-marking would be ideal - learn the course before throwing yourself in at the deep end. you're young. You've PLENTY time to ride it. Make sure you're ready first...

Besides, according to your partner in crime you just have to stub your toe at a trial and that's good enough reason to retire :D

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Backmarking is usually done by guys that know the route inside out, so unless you've ridden the trial a few times it's probably not ideal for you.

Observing is a completely different matter - we're always on the lookout for keen observers, especially those with bikes, so if you're interested drop me a PM or email with your name and contact details and we'll get you added to the list of observers for next year.

That goes for anybody who is interested, and you don't have to have a bike, although that's always a benefit. Putting your name forward doesn't commit you to anything - all that will happen is that you'll get an information pack sent out to you from our Chief Marshall towards the end of the year and if you're still up for it we can take it from there.

Go on - it's a grand week, even when it's peeing rain! It must be - why else would everyone come back year after year? :D

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