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Posts posted by myzeneye
  1. A friend of mine is 6ft.2 and suffered the same problems, he also found his body weight was too far over the front with the small bars and if changed his riding position to compensate his wrist would soon start to hurt. So he put the 6" bars on his bike and it made a world of difference.. the bike looks no different with them fitted especially, so don't worry about looking like something off American chopper :thumbup:

    nice one guys.... i reckon ill give the 6" renthals a go..... :thumbup:

    will report back here with results.....

    also, before i buy some..... pro-taper or renthals ? they seem to be the two on offer ?

  2. lovely jubely..... im onto it.........;)

    i have some tyre levers and aim to go at it like i would a bicycle trye, albeit a little tougher, but..... what do i do with that locking clamp thangy and will there be one of them draft excluder snake things in there.....hahahah

    any tips are welcome..........

  3. thanks for the info guys.......

    copemech, shame your just a bit too far away...hahaha

    t-shock...... im 6'2" aswell.... ill give the brake/cluth lever hights a go as you say.... i presume you set yours down ?

    i think a set of renthal 5.5 or 6" is gonna be the option.... allthough ive never seen or noticed any on any bikes... do they look like ape hangers ? hahhaha

  4. right, chris from splat says standard bars on the 03 sherco are approx 4.5 - 5" rise......... can anyone say if they've upgraded from this hight to a 5.5 or 6" rise and does the one inch in rise make much of a differance to ride comfort etc.....

    i know its all different for every shape of rider etc, but i just wonder what spending 40 odd quid on a set of bars to get a rise of one inch will do ?

    have you done it, did it make it any easier on your wrists ?

  5. guys, ive got an 03 sherco 250, i think id benefit from a higer rise in the bars.....

    im not sure what the rise in the standard bars that came on the bike as standard are / if any one knows can they let me know as im not sure how best to accuratley measure them to work this out.....

    i understand renthal do a bar with a 6" rise so id like to know what the standard bars are to make a comparrison before i order any online (no local shops)

    i looked on splatshop as advised in a previous thread but all they had to offer where for 07 bikes onwards and nothing for the 03 model.....

    the problem i see is that the factory standard bar clamp has the bottom clamp moulded into the top fork yolk... is there a speacially designed adapter to allow you to raise the bar height ?

    any help is greatly recieved as i tend to ride a little heavy on the wrists due to being of a long arrangutan like build....


    edit : ive seen these and the adaptor looks about right to sit inside my bottom clamp etc but as far as i can tell this kit is only available to upgrade to fat bars, which is an added cost again.....can i get a kit like this which will take my standard bars ?

    clamps- fat bars

  6. silly /simple question for you........

    my rear tyre is a little worn but still ok i guess, but i was wondering, is it ok to take it off and turn it round the other way to make the most of the sharper edge to the tyre blocks ?

  7. oh well, thanks for confirming that guys,i dont disagree with what your saying, but i have to say though, it doesnt seem normal, but if you say it is, im good with that...........hahaha

    the way it feels/sounds when it does it, i would have expected to find a missing tooth or splines on somthing, but as i said, its all good in there....

    i had just wondered, because the teeth all seem good, but i dont know what the function/purpose of the spring and ball bearing etc are.... thought perhaps somthing wasnt allowing the teeth of the ratchet mech's to sit together nicly....hence installing a new compression spring..... but after having no joy with that.... im still wondering

    thanks for your input guys

  8. If you're looking to lift bars up on a Sherco Chris at Splatshop has the deal of the month for you in 3 ,5 ,or 10mm or you can just keep adding them up.

    right, ill take a look buddy......cheers

    just did, i think they are for 07 onwards...mines a 03 model......... :(

  9. problem with kick start ....

    guys, ive got a problem with my kick start.... 98% of the time its fine, but on occaision it will appear to slip. i give it a slight few pumps to find the compression then go to give it a kick over and i get a loud clunking noise and the kick seems to slip down on its ratchet mech......

    now im not sure whats in there exactly, and a friend who did the big end bearings recently said he couldnt see anything wrong in there when he had it all open.... he replaced a large "kickstart compression spring" in there but it has made any differance.....he's pretty good with things to be fair and i think he would have spotted anything obvious.....

    i dont want to just start ordering kickstart pinions and ratchets etc when it potentially could be somthing daft a miss..... as i said, there doesnt appear to be anything visually wrong inside there, no broken teeth on ratchet mechs etc, nothing ???

    any ideas, please, let me know.............

  10. im just looking at some taller bars too.... im not sure how to measure the bars that are already on my bike they apear to be the standard bars that came on the 03 model sherco.... does anyone know what rise they will be...

    the tallest ive seen are renthals 6" rise bars.....i may go for these as they are a cheaper option then the fat bar set up....

    what sort of rise do the fat bars and their risers give you in comparrison to these standards renthal 6" bars ? more ? or is 6" of rise mahoosive....hahaha

    im guessing because im tall, the higher bar lift may take the wieght/pressure off my wrists a little and allow me to ride more upright... ?

    will having massively tall bars and being more upright have me at any great dissadvantage where riding balance etc is concerned... i dont want to swap riding comfort for control if that is an issue...

    any advice is welcome.....


  11. well guys, ive copped out im afraid.... :blush:

    i was recomended to use a bloke who's local and after speaking with him thought it easier to hand it over....

    cop out i know, but i suppose in theory doing the job is one thing, but i could imagine a whole load of things that could go wrong and i just couldnt ber that sinking feeling of kicking it over to get nothing when ive rebuilt the bugger...hahhaha :rolleyes:

    i took it over to him tonight and we run the bike.....

    it seemed alot quieter then it did before it threw its hand in....he said he'd heard plenty worse sherco's...

    he looked at the flywheel and everything seemed ok, he said the bearings just felt a bit notchy, probably due to the bike doing so little work and probably being stood still in the previous owners garage for some time.....

    but still, something wasnt quite right....

    he stripped the clutch housing off and had a fiddle with the kick start mechanism... and allthough there were no teeth broken or any visable signs of damage, it didnt seem quite right either....

    ive left the bike with him so he can whip out the clutch and have a look deeper into things...

  12. Uh, well lets see, hopefully tour lad is worth his salt, so with the guide things are fairly self explanitory.

    Parts list from Splatshop:

    Flywheel puller

    Cyl base gasket(pull cyl with head attached)

    Clutch side cover gasket(don't bother with the small round cover)

    Center engine gasket

    Intake gasket

    2 bearings(new style)

    2 main seals(specify Viton if possible)



    Hopefully I hav not forgot anything.

    Optional(depending upon budjet)for a really good freshen!

    New piston rings(and /or piston as well, depending upon condition)

    New water pump seals(and shaft if it is badly grooved)

    Pump cover seal(if removed with above)

    You can probably get all new engine screws and cyl base nuts for a tenner, this makes things look new throughout!

    If your lad has air tools, then be sure to properly scribe the three main engine nuts on either end of crank and clutch hub for bringing back to torque properly(or slightly beyond marks). Careful with the clutch hub nut.

    There is a separate guide on the pump seal replacement. Ck the pinned topic listed above the threads for a full list.

    Remember, if you do not read, and skip steps, you will pay double in the long run.

    Have fun, :thumbup:

    thankyou copemech, im begining to feel alot less daunted by the hole thing, now with this kind of advice and the sherco rip down info etc....

    our kid is pretty good to say the least and should cope fine if i give him the right info and any golden nuggets of advice you guys are coming up with..... we all know, sometimes manuals etc arn't so clear in places......and they certainly cant account for some elemenst of common sense.....

    thanks guys.... just wanna get started on it and get my bike back to perfect working order..... <_<

  13. I did mine and it was no problem with the manuals down loaded from the Ryan Young website. What I did do wrong was not undo the both crankshaft end bolts with the engine in the frame. However if you have an impact wrench it won't be a problem.

    thanks , that is exactly the kind of help/info im looking for....any other pointers you may have are welcome, no matter how obvisous you may think them, all information is gold to me mate... :icon_salut:

  14. brilliant jay ! thanks alot for that mate .........that should get us on the right track.....

    if any one has any advice, pointers etc...please, nows the time to speak up ! hahaha such as, should i use any bearing in particular ? what parts will i need to order in advance, such as , crank case gaskets, any other bits and bobs im gonna need to hand... any particular gasket sealant to use etc etc....

  15. i think the main crankshaft bearing on my 2003 sherco 250 is on its way out..... its making a horrible noise....

    can anyone helps with advice on doing the job myself... as cash is rather tight at the mo'

    my brothers a mechanic, but to be fair, he fix's bus's...! he's pretty good tho...hahahah

    will i need any specialist tools/pullers /presses etc....

    does any one know where to buy the best replacment bearings....

    i really need help on this one....

    i can removed the engine for him and take it to his work shop, but ill need a few clues on telling him what to open up,spilt etc etc... me, i havent a clue..! hahah

    just a basic run down on what to remove, etc would be a great help, im not asking for an in depth how to, just a basic step to step account of what to do....

    is there such things as manuals for these bikes ?

    only ridden the bike 3 times, my first trial it throws its bloody hand in......

    got to get it sorted before toatl despair sets in !!!

    any help is appreciated..

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