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john collins

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Posts posted by john collins
  1. I did a reply earlier this morning trying to progress what we have already discussed - it was just after breakfast - but it seems to have got lost - or more likely I have pressed som wrong buton somewhere - so god knows where it has ended up.

    Will try to find it or re-do it later

  2. I have already done this - but one last time.

    Not relevant - why do we pay for something we do not want. There are lots of things we do not want - I have no interset whatsover in half the things my council spend my Council tax one - but they have taken the educated decisions - and that is it.

    Once more - and for last time - over last few years - advice has been ( possibly airing on cautious) that now - and for forseeable future - we protect ourselves and organisers by issuing the handbbok of Rules /Regulations/Sporting Code etc. When we meet with Insurers - they also have this point of view - and experince has shown that this option offers us some protection in court. This is not a matter in any shape or form for the T & E Committee - and questions regarding it can be raised at any time at National Council by Clubs via they Centres. If you wish to debate the chance that we - in the trials world - can not have a handbook and divert the funds elsewhere - please feel free. But the fact remains that certainly for 2007 we will have it.

    Please also remember - that the numerous Officials - on which our Sport relies - also need this Handbook - and it would be gross stupidity to expect them to organise events without access to rules/regulations.

    Who pays for the Handbook for all these Clerk of Courses etc - simple the rider.

    Other part of the

  3. Reality - Old Trials Fanatic and a few others have stuck their head above the parapet and said what they think. Others - more emotive have replied/ disagreed

    I have to tell you - that in the majority of Clubs - the view is very much that of Old Trials.

    I attend my Club almost every Monday night. We run Brit Solo Champ & Brit Trails or Sammy Miller every year - so have a wide spectrum. Like all clubs we have older and younger members - and by present day standards are quite a strong club. At present really only Trials now - but in past also Enduro & MX.

    I have been in this Club , active and until recently ( ACU commitments) have rarely missed a weekly Club night for probably 30 years.

    Make no mistake - the fact that I am Chairman of T & E and ACU Director counts for sod all!

    If you did a poll in our Club - I will bet my house the majority would agree with Old Trials Fanatic - that their money - to any great extent should not be subsidising youngsters to ride on Int stage.

    I am fairly sure this is typical acropss Clubs in UK - certainly not all - but a large number of riders - and Trials Central posts seem to also indicate this - there will be conflicting views.

    Any attempt to divert money from levies - will be criticised by many. Fact not fiction.

    HOWEVER - forget that. I - ( this will surprise you ) agree with IOW.

    If you wish to progress the sport - you do need sucess - and to see British riders to the fore.

    Forget M/Cycling - just look at Tennis. When Wimbledon is on - certainly a few years ago when I was teaching - you would see certainly see youngsters out on the courts knocking a ball about and trying to play tennis - rest of year grass was only thing seen on the courts.

    Unfortunately - in Wales - enthusisam has not been enough over the years - and we have not - Trials wise - had the results of other areas - but look at Enduro. Some years the British Team could practically all be Welsh - with the odd Scot. I put this down to the sucess of Geraint Jones and a few others - who many years ago ruled the Enduro scene - as Yorkshire riders have dominated Trials.

    I read in TMX this week about an event in I.O.M ( granted non ACU) where the IOM riders had shown some class. Could it be the influence of a Mr Knight?

    So yes - sucess on the world stage will strenghten our UK sport - and therefore put more money into ACU coffers which will help us do lots of the things we wish to do.

    Now - to progress - for this is becomming like old ACU and wading through treacle.

    Let us concentrate on trying to help youngsters. We are about 3 weeks away from Handbook etc going to print, Licence/ Reguistration forms are already going out. All the ideas for increasing finance etc - should we send out Handbook etc - are general points and will apply to all disciplines - let us move back to Trials.

    The T & E - agreed yesterday that we do want to help support our young riders in UEM/FIM.

    The Directors ( who will always decide on financial matters) agree - and support and accept this view.

    Now we need to put meat on the bones - and make a start - OK not perhaps the huge support some would desire - but jeez we have to start somewhere - let us not waste this opportunity. The T & E and ACU Directors wish to make a start - surley we now need to take advantage?

    Back to my original questions - let us debate best way to do it - we will never all agree - but at least I will have some ideas to offer up.

  4. OK - But I thought I had recently (I know I have in past explained some of this).

    We actually do not have a " Licence" but a Registration card. This may seem like pernickety - but it is a fact.

    To get our "Registration" or Enduro licence - unlike all other disciplines - we do not need a medical - only self declaration.

    If you look into Sporting Code section of Handbook - You will see that all other facets are described as a

  5. Yes - I certainly feel that although emotive this is a good topic to discuss - and T & E will be doing so in the very near future ( even starting tomorrow).

    Ones view tends to vary depending on ones experience and involvement with our better youth riders.

    If you are involved with a youngster - either as parent/friend enthusiast for this element - you feel passionately that we should be supporting our better younger riders to the hilt to compete on the International stage. There will be the other view we have also seen in these posts - that many contributors to the pot are not too happy that a large proportion of their money goes this way.

    As I think we will find with most topics - there will always be conflicting views - and it is almost always a question of trying to fins a workable balance. ( T & E have to do on practically every subject)

    It is really a waste of time starting this discussion with too many comparisons with the Spanish /French or whatever turning up with the large lorries and a team of young riders. It is rather like comparing apples and pears. You cannot just take little bits in isolation - you would need to look at the whole financial structure of these Federations - how much sponsorship they receieved - how much their Clubs/Riders pay in, and importantly - how much Govt funding was involved. The latter is very important - as I am sure you will find this is where the money comes from.

    In the UK - the Govt funding - at present and in past - for such projects - is a more or less ( in England at least) a big fat zero.

    Have attempts been made to alter this - yes of course - we can fill T Central with the details/meetings/visits with Govt or more accurately Sports England on this topicc. Everyone will have a view or suggestion - I can only say that for years we have been asked to jump through various hoops to try to secure this - but then the goalposts are moved. Best chance was when Kate Howey was Sports minister - she was sensible and enthusisatic for our sports ( All M/Cycle events) - and we all thought progress was being made ( she went ariound TT on back of bike etc and visits to other events were set up) - then she was sacked.

    Without dwelling too long on this - the Sports Council does not really recognise our Sport - in any form as a top - or even high priority - and there are instances where they have indicated they do not recognise MotorSpoprt at all. One letter I think a few years ago stated that it was " not a physical sport - as the bike/ car did all the work !

    OK - please accept this is the situation at present - but practically every day efforts are being made at Rugby to reverse this - same in car world - but someone recently told me that until Olympics have been and gone there is little possibility of any great change.

    So - we have to acept that any help/support we give out Young trials riders must come out of the pot of money we contribute to with out levies. No problem with that. We have been allocating a fair chunk for years.

    I now think it best if we get away from theory and start to look at actual methods.

    The first question is - assuming you are gouing to spend money on this - is which way is best?

    You have a budget figure - it is never going to be hundreds of thousands - but will be a more realistic proportion of our money.

    Some questions :

    Should this " pot" be divided up into a lot of parts - eg 20 riders( men & women) all getting a little help for some home training and some support if they compete abroad ?

    Or should just the better ones with the most potential - going by past/presnt results, Champ positions etc get a far bigger share - and leave the lesser lights to be trained at home in commercial schools etc and at Centre/Club level.

    Or of course a combination ( which is what we have tried in past - but you often end up pleasing no-one)

    So - over to you all for some views - lets not waste time talking about going out to find huge sponsorship deals etc - anyone feels like doing that feel free - but lets deal with what we have - and then hope for better

    Which riders to support ? How do we select them? How many? What criteria? What events abroad UEM / FIM ? Do we pay for a coach to go with them ? What if lots of others ( some perhaps not so good) all decide to compete abraod - do we help them all -( often 20 plus riders there)

    Over to you all

  6. There is a danger of dividing up into lots of threads here - so I will try to sum up popints made.

    I am not going to play the ACU hat on card - and state ACU has no meoney to help youth etc - what I hope I have shown is what happens to the " Registration Fee" - which was the question. There is still the money collected from the levy - or licence ( other facets).

    As with all things money - it is now a question of dividing that amount up - and setting priorities. Money is set aside to help train youth riders - as it is for Team participation, etc - but also of course we must pay our corner in the respect of administration, legal fee's, postage, phone, electric, meetings, reprersentation in land access matters, overseas stewards etc etc etc - and as stated I will try to return to sme of this in future.

    So - no - it is not true to say the ACU has no money from Trials etc - but it is true to say that there is no huge bottomless pit. It is 100% not true to say that our Trials money goes to support Road Race etc. It is true - as with every one of us - that we have to make decisions about priorities etc. It is also true - that it is impossible to please everyone - as these posts have shown before. Something someone thinks is a high priority - may seem less important for others who have a different persopective - and so it comes down to trying to achive a balance. I will try to return to this in the future.

    Re - Licence or Levy - very good debatable point - and if you wish we can expand on this.

    Basically in our Trials - the more you ride - the more you pay. Ok that may not always be the best way of raising revenue - but we think it is the fairest - but this has always been a debatable point.

    It does allow eaase of entry into our side of the sport - and it does allow someone to dig out the bike and ride a few times a year without two much cost.

    I suppose it comes down to what is the best 100 licences at

  7. I am fairly sure there will be quite a lot of posts on " Where the money goes etc"

    Please accept that I am not trying to duck issues - but other than the acounts sent to all Centres - there will be many that believe that Web or paper etc is not the place where financial details need to be debated.

    There are many reasons for this - however - I will declare that I am sitting on the fence on this one - and I "think" that the time is fast approaching when a lot more clarity will need to be given to all our riders/members etc. However I am only one Director and it would not be appropriate - for me to take such decisions - as it needs a lot more discussion etc - and it is already often discussed - so please just a little more time on this one.

    There are however some fairly simple things that can be explained - without fear of commercial interests etc - and this post is one of them ( so thankfully do not have to start on a too negative approach)

    Trials riders pay

  8. A long explanation – with a short shelf life.

    As a starting point for any future debate I feel it is quite important to look at the ACU structure – in a sort of historical way if you like. I apologise in advance to those like Rabie, Start C and many others who obviously already know all this – but I really do get the impression that many do not – and this then often sets us off on unnecessary deviations. So - although boring – please allow me to start at the beginning so to speak.

    I will obviously take a simplistic approach.

    This will obviously be long – so I suggest Andy leaves it on a few days and then just deletes it – and we can discuss matters which I am sure most will be more interested in.

    In actual fact this has little to do with Trials, Enduro or probably the other individual disciplines and the T &E Committee actually have no more input into this side of things than any of you reading this post.

    There is little point at present debating too much of this – it is for present set – I offer it only as explanation

    If we start with the concept that long before any of us were born – like minded souls were riding around on motorcycles and enjoying themselves. (Lucky sods) Soon – as with all sport – the competitive element crept in – and for sporting and social purposes, Clubs would have been formed – usually on a town/area basis – sometimes perhaps on a make/marque concept. This would probably the same from Pigeon Racing Clubs to Bowls.

    Now without dwelling too long on the pure accuracy of the matter I think it then follows that in most Sports – there will be a need for an overriding Governing Body/ HQ/Association/ Commission/Federation – call it what you like. In our case of course – the good ole ACU

    For me – the most frustrating thing I hear and read every day is that the ACU should do this/that or the other – as if we are talking about some great body ensconced somewhere in the Midlands – for sure this is the conception. Staurt C and many others have already correctly mentioned this – but I will re-emphasise the fact. The ACU – is us. Full stop.

    The clue is in the title – Auto Cycle Union. It is a “ Union” of Clubs and members. I have no intention of going down the road of defining articles of association/memoranda etc lets keep it simple.

    So – going back - we have many hundreds of Motorcycle ( some like mine were originally combined with cars) Clubs. These all need to come under a Governing Body / Federation - the ACU.

    Again like many sports – to make things easier to handle etc all these clubs are grouped together in regions/areas - in our case geographically – and we call these Centres. ( Regions often the word used in lots of sports)

    Ok We have Individuals who ride / interested/ organise events on bikes – all grouped into Clubs

    We have these Clubs grouped geographically into regional Centres.

    We need to group all these Centres into a Governing body/association – in our case the Auto Cycle Union.

    Probably – if it was all starting again today – I tend to think the Clubs would be very specialised. I.e. Trials Clubs, MX Clubs etc. Traditionally however I think it fair to say that many of our Clubs did – and many still do, run and get involved with several –if not all the disciplines. Certainly many clubs will have riders who compete – or have competed in many disciplines. I believe this is very important. There is no doubt it is often mentioned that things should be more separated i.e. Trials have now’t to do with Road Race etc and we should have totally separate bodies. ( I am sure we will return to debate this) I certainly do not agree – or ever will.

    I base my view on the adage “ Together we stand – divided we fall” . With the World seemingly against us – I see no advantage whatsoever into dividing a Union up. Certainly there is a need to separate the disciplines/ money/ rules etc – but this is just a mater of administration.

    I should mention here that all my explanation of structure until know has dealt with UK. Somewhere along the way – World matters come into play – and then we revert to the FIM – the Governing body of International Sport - and more recently the UEM – which if you like is the European arm of this.

    So what has all this got to do with the price of chips? And how will it affect how the observer marks me on Sunday , or what events will be in the Championship next year etc, Lets move on.

    Believe it or not the Governing body – ACU is an extremely democratic one. Possibly too much so.

    From what I have already explained you see it is made up from Club members/Clubs, Centres.

    There are approx 600 plus Clubs – some very small, some very big. Most I think you will agree no longer see their members pile through the door at the weekly/monthly Club meeting at the back of a pub etc. As with many sports – Clubs were once very strong – socially as well as competitively. Sadly it seems to me the majority are now not . We are not alone in this – society has changed – but I am afraid it is part of our problem – which we will surely return to.

    Most Clubs tend to have a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer – and most I think have some sort of Committee to make decisions about finance and other matters. In the main I am sure these Club Officials are totally unpaid – possibly the larger Clubs pay the Secretary some honorarium etc to help defray the costs incurred etc.

    Yes – many of these Club Officials may appear when you go along as old farts - that is because all too often they are the ones who year after year are the only ones who will take the job on. They were young farts when they started - but no-one has filtered through to replace them. If a younger member turns up – he/her are often frustrated with the views of the older people doing the jobs – and unfortunately tend not to come again?

    Big big problem – but the way of the world – hands up the parent who has never known better than the youngster? What I absolutely know for sure that these Club Officials – especially the Club Sec’s work extremely hard and give up many hours of their time – and are honestly the lifeblood of the whole shooting match.

    I know many of you are interested in the money side of things. I think on average it seems that it costs us around

  9. I have already mentioned this elsewhere - and I think the whole topic of combining A & B Youth Champ with Brit Solo Champ may well be a good idea and is certainly worthy of debate.

    I also mentioned in another post that one potential organiser has already requested we look at it - and we will.

    Not as simple as it sounds of course - and may be too problamatic - but we will look at it.

    The Solo Brit Champ is a sort of uniqure event ( not everyones cup of tea I know) - but this is what we have.

    Many of the clubs who run Adult Brit Champ - including my own for example have been doing so for many a year and are now ( I like to think) quite good and experienced at running under this format. This does not mean that they would necessarily be so good at providing a good/suitable Youth Champ - perhaps they would/could - but often they would have no track record in such matters - while many of our current Youth organisers know the score and know what is needed. Some Clubs of course do both already - so it would be no problem. Some Solo Brit Cham Org use the Sat for the practice session etc and so would not be able to run a Youth event on that day - others could.

    Also I think we would be very reluctant to take rounds of organisers who have supported the Youth scene and run good events - just so we could combine theYouth with some adult rounds - so any combined ones would probably have to be additional events - making a far bigger calendar.

    These are just a few quick thoughts . It will be discussed . It does have merit - like all things I am sure there wil be pro's and con's

  10. Hi

    Cannot help you with manual - but I did a fair bit of top end work on one of these motors which was fiited to the Imported Suzuki Djebel.

    This is basically a Suzuki DR200 - and this is probably a better route for you to find manual / parts etc - I do not think the Zero will help you.

    I recall I found a very good web site called Alpha Sports - which was excelent for part diagrams etc

    They specialise in snowmobiles and bikes etc and I think are based in Canada - do a search and you should find it.

  11. Final one from me on this

    You can never please everyone when picking a Team in any sport - just look at the arguments when picking 11 guys to run around with a round ball and kiss each other.

    The mens one - is always difficult trying to get a balance between experience / results/ youth etc and trying to take into account results both in Brit Champ and World & UEM - and sometimes when not all the riders are competing on the same stage it muddies the waters. Also remeber the TDN is a Team event - and suddenly minders who would not perhaps be involved with any other rider are suddenly there to help the whole Team - I make no secret of the fact that I wish to see Shaun and James gain from this experince

    As far as the Womens Team is concerned - for sure Emma is a name for the future - and Katy will never be discounted - but last years Team came so close - and really deserved to win - I feel they all deserve a chance again.

    Maria is riding and is fit - and ( fingers crossed) if all three perform like last year we are in with a shout.

    I am not really interested what the VIP's think - it was not so long ago people were saying there was no point sending a Womens Team and it was a waste of time and money , All those who have competed since I have been involved - Maria, Becky, Donna, Rachel Katie and Vicky have done a great deal to change this view - and that is the most important thing.

    As I have said - it is not likely we will ever get 100% agreement from everyone - there was certainly critiscism of Mens Team selection on the occassions we won. I suspect Team managers in this weekends ICTT will face similar problems.

    My intention quite frankly was not really to debate selection - I do not think it is appropriate for me to do so - but just to announce it. - although of course everyone of you can obviously express opinions.

    Perhaps I was wrong to outline the reasoning behind the Mens teams selection - but it did seem worthy of mention considering how well Steve is doing at home and the fact that he has made me eat humble pie in the past

  12. I confirm the British Trial Des Nations Squads who will compete in the event in France.

    Men: Dougie Lampkin, Graham Jarvis, Shaun Morris, James Dabill.

    As usual - Steve Colley - whose results in Brit Champ prove he can still beat most of them - was the difficult name to leave out.

    It was felt however that Shaun and James as up and coming riders who are competing on the World and European stage deserve a chance to represent the UK - and have the opportunity the gain experience with Dougie and Graham which will hopefully pay off in future years. This certainly proved the case last year when Shaun rode brilliantly

    Steve understands this situation - but for sure will be watching with close scrutiny to see if they shape up.

    Women: Becky Cook, Donna Fox, Maria Conway

  13. Yes Scorpa 3 - absolutely.

    The rules are clear re - the capacity of machine. Below National - as I have stated an Organiser can ( but only if they feel they wish to go down this road) let a rider ride in a different class. They probably know best - about riders experience, ability etc.

    However - the rules for capacities are fixed and Youth riders should not be allowed to ride anytghing that does not comply with rules. Same for MX, R/Race etc etc

  14. Thanks BikeSpace - Even I can understand that.

    I tend to agree with Perce - it seems a clearer way - so if poss as as long as there is no hiden problem I will try to get it expressed like this in Handbook in addition to what we have - also magazine

    Re - Query about if classes etc apply only in Nationals - No they are for all Youth Trials.

    Re - Upgrading etc - all explained in ACU Handbook - TSR1.

    Please note - riders competing in a higher/lower class - in events other than National must be at Organisers discretion - as explained.

    Riders competing out of class - as above - subject to same capacity machines as if they werer in their correct class.

  15. Sorry guys - did try to reply to this post as asked - but wasw in Poland at time and it obviously got lost in the ether. Will try again - however must say that there is a huge amount of corespondence etc to catch up ( have been away last x number of weekends ) so I will try to just give brief update on Datatag.

    Also I may not be up to date - but have a meeting in a few weeks time where I will make more enquiries.

    The ACU joined in with Datatag - for a few reasons - one important one being that we felt we had a responsibility - regardless of any commercial matters to try to at leat make some efforts to be involved in anything that had potential to deter the numerous scumbags out there who now seem to prey on us.

    At initial meetings - it was negotiated that KTM would fit Datatag to all new machines - which I must say I think was an excellent idea. It was obviously hoped that other manufacturers would come on board - and eventually most new UK bikes would be fitted with datatag - and then testing at events etcwould have more use etc.

    Datatag supplied readers to quite a lot of people in the Centres - and provided training.

    Bikespace has described all this - and I am sure his technical observations are sure to be valid - and while I do not really understand all this - I wil certainly get tghis passed onto the relevent people.

    For me however the big problem - very much like noise testing - is that having someone trained and tested and aslo having equipment to do job - still requires a person to give up a Sunday morning and go out and do the job.

    I am sure I saw testing done at he St David's ( but coukld be wrong) - perhaps others can post in if hey have been tested?

    For sure - if we have people trained, and readers available - if they are just gathering dust in cupboards somewhere - this needs urgent attention - and again I will raise the matter i correct quarters.

    The whole thing seems like a cheicken and egg scenario - if we get lots of datatags fitted and lots of testing - the thing works - if not it becomes futile.

    There is another angle - which I do know about. My son has fitted Datatag to his last 2 new trials bikes - the one before having been stolen.

    Like me - he is not that keen on spending his hard earned - so there must have been an angle - and this is that if a dataga is fitted etc - there is a discount available on the Anti Theft protection offered ( this was all detrailed in ACU magazine) He tells me - that the discount offered goes some way towards off setting the cost of the Datatag - so it seems to make sense

    I will make further enquiries - and get Bikespaces views to datatag etc - but as stated may take a litle time befroe I make progress.

  16. Obviously my reply must be that machines should be examined at all events.

    The organiser however will decide on the methois they use eg - call all riders to a particuilar place at signing on , check at start, visual check for ACU requirements at start line etc

  17. Sorry have only just returned home so not had a chance to reply to this post as someone asked.

    I must say that I am not too inclined to become to involved in a debate on this one as a general Web topic as I feel it is more suitable for a Trials forum etc.

    I will try to give a personal view in quite broad terms.

    Firstly - N.S.C will try to refer to all disciplines regardless - and this is often rather complicated - and may well in the future need to be reviewed - as although for simplicity and not too have a huge book it is nice to try to lump all things together it can cause problems. Machine examination will also be called Technical Officers in some disciplines and may required to be licenced etc. This is understandable - especially if we accept that a machine hurling around the TT at 140 is different from a Trials bike in a section - the requisit for a wired sump plug to prevent oil spillage on track etc being an example. So although the NSC tries to lay down the sort of ultimate requirements - these will vary in many cases between disciplines.

    As far as the Trials Regs are concerned - it does say that machines should be examined. About 2 years ago there was a necessity for a machine examiner to complete a form and send it in - often just to say there were no problems.

    ( which was 99.9999% the case)

    Now the Machine Examiner will really only report any incident that causes them concern - and will obviously consult with C/Course to see if rider can start.

    The real crux of the matter is what machine examination now consisits of.

    In Trials we have no requirement or desire for our Machine examiners to be giving bikes an MOT type inspection. As Stuart has already stated - examination is basically checking for ACU requirements such as ball end levers, correct tyres etc and of course perhaps a visual check that the bike is all in a safe looking condition. This may often be done visually at the start line - and so riders may not be called to a formal examination. At other events I have seen and ridden in - there is mostly definitely a requirement to take your machine for examination. The process will vary.

    The best example I can give is probably brakes ? Many riders will have had the brakes applied - and the machine pushed forward to see if it stops?

    This actually obviously checks that there is fluid in hydraulics - and caliper is working etc , Or cables connected and brake mechanism working.

    It cannot possibly check the efficiency of the brakes - only that they are fitted and working - and that is really all anyone can be expected to do.

    If for example the pads were down to the last 1/4mm of friction material - or even down to steel - they will stop the machine in the paddock type push - but would certainly not be effecient on the first steep downhill?

    So - the onus must remain with the rider to prevent and compete on a machine which is safe and maintained - and in fact the rider will have signed on the Entry form to confirm this.

    This is even more important in an event which uses the Public Highway. The rider signs to say he has in place correct Driving Licence, RTA Insurance , MOT etc and the bikle is RTA legal. Rider responsibility - not Organiser.

    Having said all this - if on a visual check - or on a apply brake and push - or apply pressure to wheels to check bearings/s/arm etc the machine examiner was not happy that the bike was in a safe condition - with the Clerk of Course they would be entitled and correct to prevent that machine from starting.

    Common sense must prevail - in is probably better than any rukles the T & E can write.

    If for example a guy turned up at formal machine examination - or the organiser was carrying out a visual examination at the start line - and saw there was no brake caliper - or hose fitted - then surely the thing to do would be to tell the rider to put the thing back in the van?

    It is a complicated subject - and it is easy to take a sledgehammer to crack a few small nuts.

    I can only finish by stating that in Trials at least - it is not causing concern at present either to the T & E Committee or our Insurers.

    I finsih by emphasising that in all such matters - the rider needs to take the responsibility.

  18. Dear All

    As you know I make a point of trying to read all the posts on Trials Central - and attempt to respond and clear things up when I can.

    I have suddenly found out - via a link to my normal email address that messeges have been sent to me via an inbox in TC

    As I did not know I hade one until a few minutes ago - and therefore there may be some who sent messages in this way who have certainly not had a reply.

    I assure you this is not through being ignorant or not wishing too respond - but due to the fact that I am a computor idiot.

    Apologies to anyone who did not get a reply.

    Best method is through normal Trials Central forum - or via my normal email address in handbook

    John Collins

  19. Some good points - but I will try not to divert off onto method of marking etc - remember this was only first round - and the weather rather complicated matters.

    The overall time limit is worthy of debate - but I do feel our Trial on Sunday is not the best place to assess the situation - for in that sort of weather all sort of unexpected factors come into play - even the in between going (longer in ours than some others of course) was extremely wet and difficult and all this has a bearing on overall time.

    I have to say I went to Section 1 on lap 1 - and there was some time wasted by some Experts - nothing new here - and they usually have no trouble making it up - but the conditions I am sure had a bearing - but I must also say that on my Section ( 9) some were very casual on lap 1 and may have paid a price - I do not really know.

    It has always been a problem - us old gits will remember various methods used - I recall when riding the St David's myself decades ago - I had a thing called a " rotation" card which you handed the Observer when you arrived - and he called you in in that order - it was partly sucessful - but that was an age ago. I also recall another year being excluded from the St Davids Brit Champ - and even after claiming that Messers Lampkin, Rathmell etc had pushed in front of us mere mortals ( which was true) hence leaving us at back - and then late - my argument fell down - and I remained excluded as the Clerk of the Course had earlier seen my bike outside a pub on the route - and therefore he nor the club ( my own) had little sympathy ! - so the problems have always been there

    In recent years - in Brit Champ - time has not been that big a problem - although I must say the inevitable rush around on the last lap has sometimes given concern. In World events there is 3.30 for first lap - with penalties if you exceed this.

    We did look at this idea ( last year I think) but the conclusion was that at that time - it was not really necessary - but if time does become a problem - then we can look at it again. I have to say - you will still however get riders rushing on last lap - but possibly it helps get things moving initially.

    In regard to the injured rider in a Section. Of course the injured rider must come first above all else. There is no need for question or debate on this. If a rider is injured - he ( or she) must take priority over all else.

    If it dramatically makes a difference to the time of riders - the rules are already in place for Clerk of Course/Stewards to take account of this.

    They would obviously have to properly consider then facts eg if there was a hold up of 10 mins - and say 20 riders sitting waiting - but at the end of the event time had been reasonably slack - and 19 had got in - there would probably be little sympathy for the 1 guy who lost time - as it may be a fair assumption that he had lost time elsewhere. Each case would have to be treated on the facts etc - but as I said the riders safety must come first - it is only a trial at the end of the day.

    Incidentally I got into a lot of argument 2 years ago when in a European Championship Enduro - a rider came off in the test and broke his leg - and the next rider along( Swedish) stopped and pulled the machine off him etc - obviuosly then posting probably slowest test time of day. At the end - he was unable to claim any other time - and was very disgruntled ( rightly so)

    So at least in Trials I think we usually get our priorities a little better.

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